140 Computing A-Level Revision Questions

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  1. What three factors comprise the ACCESS TIME for disk. Explain each briefly.
  2. A file has a high hit rate. Explain this and its significance in file design.
  3. Describe the three functional parts of a shared bus.
  4. Explain batch and transaction processing. Give a suitable application of each and suggest an advantage and disadvantage of one over the other.
  5. Explain buffering, why it is necessary and give two examples of its use.
  6. Define bit, byte and word.
  7. Explain cache memory.
  8. Explain character set and control characters (with examples).
  9. COM is a WORM method of storage. Explain this and state a more up to date example of a WORM.
  10. Name and briefly describe the five main functional parts of a computer.
  11. Define cylinder with respect to magnetic disk.
  12. Explain, with an example, the difference between data and information.
  13. Define a database and a DBMS. What are the advantages of a database over the conventional multiple file approach?
  14. Give four examples of data capture.
  15. Describe how records are organised in a) indexed sequential files b) direct access files
  16.  How does overflow occur in direct access files?
  17. Explain EFTPOS. What is its main advantage to the customer over credit cards?
  18. State and briefly describe the five stages of the system life cycle.
  19. Explain security, privacy and integrity of data, making clear the difference between them. What measures may be taken to ensure each?
  20. Give two advantages and two disadvantages of sequential over direct access files.
  21. A particular indexed sequential file has a two level index. Explain how a record will be accessed, ignoring overflow.
  22. How does overflow occur in indexed sequential files and how may it be handled?
  23. Define hardware, peripheral, software and firmware.
  24. Explain how a hash table operates.
  25. Explain protocol in communications. What is a handshaking protocol?
  26. Describe a merge sort. Why may a merge sort be necessary instead of a sort such as an insertion or bubblesort?
  27. Which two methods are commonly used to control I/O transfers?
  28. What is a job control language and why is it needed?
  29. What is a key field?
  30. Give an advantage and a disadvantage of fixed length over variable length fields.
  31. Explain LAN and WAN with an example of where each might be used.
  32. Explain the difference between compilers and interpreters. What are the advantages of one over the other?
  33. Write in Reverse Polish notation:

i)        (A + B)/C*D - B

ii)        B + G*H -B*C/6

  1. Give the advantages and disadvantages of a laser printer over an inkjet printer
  2. Describe, with examples, a linear and a binary search. Give an advantage of each.
  3. Explain, with an example, master file and transaction file.
  4. Explain real-time processing, giving two different examples with different response times.
  5. Explain multi-access processing and how it is controlled.
  6. Explain serial and parallel transmission of data. What is the main problem with parallel transmission over anything other than short distances?
  7. Explain synchronous and asynchronous transmission.
  8. What is i) multiprogramming ii) multi-tasking?
  9. What is a virtual memory operating system?
  10. Name four resources an operating system might be said to manage?
  11. Explain parity and its aim.
  12. Explain on-line processing.
  13. Batch processing may be on or off-line. Explain the difference.
  14. Explain top-down design of programs with the aid of an example.
  15. What are the advantages of modular programming (designed using top-down design)?
  16. What are the three control structures used to achieve structured programs and what is the main advantage of programming in such a way? State any disadvantages.
  17. Explain recursion with an example. What are the advantages and disadvantages over iteration?
  18. Explain block or sector on magnetic disk.
  19. What is a status (condition codes) register used for?
  20. Explain spooling with reference to printing.
  21. Describe the data structures stacks and queues, giving an example of the use of each.
  22. Explain verification and validation, making clear the difference between them. Mention three different validation checks which might be employed.
  23. Describe three ways in which a programmer may make programs 'user-friendly'
  24. Describe the use of a 'Turnaround document' that uses OCR.
  25. Define systems software, giving two different examples.
  26. Define applications software, with examples.
  27. What are the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing a ready-written application package over custom-made software.
  28. What is a volatile file? How well do the various file organisations cope with volatile files?
  29. Describe the Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) system of storing data.
  30. Describe the following forms of addressing:
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        i)        immediate

        ii)        direct

        iii)        indirect

  1. Describe the difference between a one address and a two address system for machine code instructions when implementing a simple arithmetic operation.
  2. Name the registers associated with the Fetch/execute cycle
  3. Describe the steps carried out when the following instructions are executed:

i)        MUL A

ii)        JSR 400

  1. Convert to decimal (binary values are in twos complement and use 8 bits):

i)        0110 0011

ii)        1001 1001

iii)        1100 0111

  1. Convert these binary numbers to hexadecimal

i)        1000 0110

ii)        1001 1100

iii)        1111 1110 0111 0000

  1. Explain, with examples how numbers are represented in twos complement.
  2. Explain ...

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