Test plan

Once the system is created, it is important to test the system, this is so I can discover any faults within the system and to make sure that I have met the end user requirements

The system will be tested with:

normal data ( data which is the normal  to test)

Extreme data ( data which is exceeded test range)

Erroneous data( data which is totally wrong to test)

Macro testing

Formula testing- formulas must be correct and linked to specific cells

VLookups- must be correct and linked to specific cells

the lay out of the test pan will be in table format , illustrating each test as fully as possible at this stage .the plan will include the following column heading:#

test no .

test criteria – what is to be tested

test purpose – why is it been tested

data – what data is used to [perform the test ie. Normal extreme

expected outcomes

actual outcome

i will produce evidence of my test results by illustrating each one with screen shots and all will be cross referenced and annotated properly this will be shown after the implementation is done  .


User interface

Screen shots of Testing :

Test number 1

The user clicks on the stock list button and the stock list worksheet opens:

As you can see below the worksheet “stock list “ opens  and works

Test number 2

The user clicks on the stock list button and the “customer details” worksheet opens:

As you can see below the worksheet “customer details “ opens  and works

Test number 3

The user clicks on the stock list button and the “Build your own pc ” worksheet opens:

As you can see below the worksheet “customer details “ opens  and works

Test number 4

The user clicks on the stock list button and the “invoice” worksheet opens:

As you can see below the worksheet “invoice “ opens  and works:

Test number 5

  1. the user clicks on the command button “exit” below is what message box appears this give us 2 options.

If  I dint want to exit excel is would click no and the message box that will appear is :

If I clicked yes my work would get saved and it would exit my worksheet .

Test number 6

The user clicks on the command button (a) “help” a message box should appear as shown below


As you can see below the help button opens .

Join now!

Test number 7

The user clicks on the homage button (1) and the homepage worksheet will open (2)

(1)Homepage button

(2) as you can see below the homepage opens once the homage navigation button has been clicked

Test number 8

The user clicks on the worksheet  button “invoice “ (1)as shown below and the following will show(2)

(1)user clicks  the button


This is a preview of the whole essay