The now developed countries were never underdeveloped although they may have been undeveloped. Discuss
What is development? Development is economic independence from foreign powers. Countries such as the United States and The United Kingdom can be considered as ‘developed’ countries. The most important obstacle to development is political: Governments believe that they could manage economic development better than the free market. Most Third World countries for e.g. the Caribbean, lack investment capital. Private entrepreneurs prefer to invest in safer markets of the West than in their own countries. According to Andre Gunder Frank, “Third world countries may be undeveloped at the start, but they have never been underdeveloped at the start. They were undeveloped in comparison with developed, but they were never underdeveloped. They were created into underdevelopment.” Today's ‘underdeveloped’ countries are faced with a world economy dominated by the developed capitalist countries. This must affect their development. According to Frank, the only thing that drives the international capitalist system is the search of profit, and this is pursued at the cost of everything else.