Compare and contrast 'MCMXIV' by Philip Larkin and 'Six Young Men' by Ted Hughes.

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Compare and contrast 'MCMXIV' by Philip Larkin and 'Six Young Men' by Ted Hughes.

The First World War was a landmark event in the twentieth century. In terms of social attitude, it marked a transition from a stable orderly world to a more modern age, and with that "modern" age there came a brutal, cynical view of society's government and a lack of trust in its leaders. First World War poets like Siegfried Sassoon expressed this hardened and more savage viewpoint in their poetry attacking the military leaders and governments, and this change of view and tone (from innocent to cynical) has been of interest to poets of the following generations.

The poems I am going to compare and contrast, 'MCMXIV' by Philip Larkin and 'Six Young men' by Ted Hughes, were both written at least half a century after the First World War. This shows the importance of the event to modern writers and this distance in time gives them a kind of perspective. Fifty years on, they can see that World War I had no final good purpose and that all that World War I did for Great Britain was not to make it safer or better but just to change the way of life they had always known. How dramatically it was changed in social terms is the subject of Larkin's poem, whilst Hughes's poem talks about the impact it had on individual young men of the time.

'MCMXIV' by Philip Larkin

Larkin's poem consists of four stanzas, each of eight lines. He also makes his poem dependent on only one pair of ending rhymes, on lines four and eight ("Park"/"lark", "play"/"day", "men"/"again" and the half-rhymes "lines" and "limousines"). This means that the poem is less structured than we expect and sounds more natural when spoken out loud. His title is in Latin numerals, "MCMXIV" because this is how the date "1914" would be carved on a war memorial. This reminds us how the war in 1914 will change everything, and that it is not just lives, which will be lost.

In the first stanza, Larkin is giving us an image of a photo of young men joining the draft, but we do not understand what he is describing until later on in the poem. First he tells of men waiting patiently ("standing as patiently"), and then he describes a holiday atmosphere with young men enjoying themselves with no idea of the horror that awaits them, as they think it will be an adventure ("grinning as if it were all/An August Bank Holiday lark"). Larkin subtly lets the reader know that something is not right here, as he uses the phrase 'as if' twice. This gives the reader a sense of unease as Larkin is telling us all is not what it seems. The word 'archaic' also tells the reader that Larkin is talking about something that is no longer in use and firmly in the past.
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In the second stanza, Larkin gives us a list of things which we would now think of as "archaic" - for example, "farthings", "sovereigns", "tin advertisements" and "twist" (an old word for tobacco). We modern twenty-first century readers may not immediately recognize such words, which Larkin uses to his advantage as he is now trying to show us what life used to be like before the war. His choice of words builds up a sense of nostalgia, and he takes us back to a time when shops stayed within families, pleasures were cheap, royalty was respected (the children ...

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There is some detailed analysis of the two poems in this essay, demonstrating good overall understanding of the texts. Context is generally well integrated and relevant. However, there are points for improvement: 1) The structure of the essay does not enable detailed poetic analysis or comparisons between the two poems. When analysing two texts, it is best to consider certain poetic aspects and use a paragraph to compare and contrast the use of this technique in both poems. For example, the writer could have have compared how both poets use photographs to tell their story, use of imagery, structure, narrators and tone of voice, the natural world/environment etc, and use these as separate points for exploration. 2) Ideally, all points need to contain a clear topic sentence which outlines the content of the paragraph (which would be comparative in this essay), textual evidence, and analysis. In this case, contextual reference might also be relevant. 3) Due to the chronological approach, the writer often becomes descriptive rather than analytical. 4) Use of quotations needs to be apt, brief and well embedded into the essay. Overall, three stars, just. *** Overall,