Explore the relationship that Romeo an Juliet have with their parents throughout the play.

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Thebe Ringner

Explore the relationship that Romeo an Juliet have with their parents throughout the play.

Romeo and Juliet is a notorious play of love, tragedy an loss.

 The ‘ancient grudge’ portrayed in the lives of two ‘star-crossed lovers’ whose ‘unruly’ love leads them to their ‘death marked’ fait.

   Romeo and Juliet live in ‘two separate houses’ in the sixteenth century with ‘brawls’ and ‘mutiny’ creating an antagonistic environment between the youth of these two families.

Their parents ‘both alike in dignity’, proud of their strength in Verona and love of their importance, do not portray the same pride for their ‘star-crossed’ children.

Juliet is the fourteen year old daughter of the Capulet household. She is an only daughter and would be thought to be doted on, yet her closest guardian is her wet nurse.

Her nurse has been there since childhood when her mother was absent at ‘Mantra’. Juliet’s ‘sweet nurse’ dotes on her by calling her ‘lamb’ and ‘ladybird’, this informal language signifies a close relationship being portrayed near to the beginning of the play.

   However, Act 1. Scene 3 illustrated a lack of love between Juliet and her mother, which is revealed when Juliet greets her mother by calling her ‘Madame’ and bowing at her presence in the 1977 film directed by Zefferelli. There is a great lack of communication that is exaggerated in the 1998 film directed by Baz Luhrman where Juliet’s mother seems lost and bewildered when put face to face with her daughter and has to prompt the nurse to ‘come back’ into the room. This shows the audience their hostile relationship.

This is already showing that the nurse appears far more motherly to Juliet than Lady Capulet. Lady Capulet continues to ‘speak briefly’ and questions Juliet about the possibility of love for Paris, a man she has not met. In the sixteenth century marriage played a strong part in a young ‘girl’s’ life, whether she had meet the man or not, if it was a suitable match she would be wedded to keep her families status high and marry into money.

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   Lady Capulet shows a lack of knowledge and a weak relationship with her daughter while talking of love. This indicates that Lady Capulet has never built up a bond with her daughter, instead Juliet has grown fond of her ‘sweet nurse’.

However, Capulet fears for his ‘child’s’ young age and knows of the ‘sheltered life’ he has given her and seems not to want her to hurrying into pregnancy.

Although Shakespeare has portrayed Capulet to be a caring father, his concern for Juliet leads also to the children , which were ‘swallowed’ up, leaving Juliet his lone heiress to ...

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