Poetry Analysis: Death Approaching

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Laura Hui

Poetry creates people, place and issues. Discuss how these 3 poems recreate a time or situation and to what effect?

        Death affects us all. However we are more often viewers, onlookers. Some people get to voice their last words, but little get to write an actual poem about death approaching. The poems “Remember” by Christina Rossetti, “Crabbit Old Woman” by Phyllis McCormack and “Refugee Mother and Child” by Chinua Achebe from the EDEXCEL English Anthology create and portray different times and issues by using vivid imagery, sounds and senses and some diction. They play on our emotional responses and provoke us to discuss this slightly controversial issue.

        “Remember” written by Christina Rossetti tells of a person, in what may be their last moments in our world, informing their loved one not to hold on to her memory and her death forever. Set in the 18th century, mourning and grieving for a period of time was essential. The poem is structured into a sonnet, 14 lines, one stanza. This gives it credibility as sonnets are harder to write.

        The poem starts off with “Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land;” repetition is used, “gone away, gone far away” to emphasize that the end is coming for this person. This line also depicts the image of the setting after death has come; the diction “silent land” creates imagery in our heads, a gloomy, grey scene, that’s deathly silent. Having said this, this also affects the reader’s emotion, making them turn serious and sad. Line 5 “Remember me when no more day by day.” Affects the reader’s emotion even more, saddening the reader. The next line “You tell me of our future that you planned”, it paints a picture in your head of her loved one that was once so hopeful and now hangs his head down in misery. The write also uses a direct mode of address “you planned” “you understand”; this creates a sense of closeness, as if she was talking to the reader, making the reader feel a part of this poem.

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        The most powerful line in this poem was line 11, “For if the darkness and corruption leave”, using diction, the author created this image of an evil darkness and a miserable corruption. The next line “A vestige of the thoughts that once I had” is written in the past tense, as if the person has already passed away, this again creates the mood of this poem.

        “Remember” is a sophisticated poem that’s not easy to understand. Some parts rhyme but the rhyming scheme is inconsistent, making the rhythm choppy . Reading this from a teenage point of view is ...

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