The Role of Onomatopoeia in Forming New Words

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The Role of Onomatopoeia in Forming New Words


Section D

Semantics and Lexicology

Lecturer : Ferdinand Okky Kurniawan, M.A.

Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Kebangkitan Nasional

Sampoerna School of Education



One of the key features of language is productivity. The fact that language is stimulus-free and that it is flexible leads to the notion of productivity, i.e. that language can be used to construct an infinite set of new and meaningful utterances. Hockett (1985) gives the label ‘productivity’ to that property of language which allows us to say things which have never been said before. In morphology, productivity means the degree to which a word formation process is used in language (Jackson and Amvela, 2000). So this theory believes that languages are getting developed and developed. Forming new words is as result from productivity of language. People try to form new words from existing ones through some ways such as by adding affixation, derivation, compounding, blending, conversion (Jackson and Amvela, 2000) and other word formation processes like coinage, clipping, and back formation.

However, according to my observation that most of references do not involve onomatopoeia is as one of word formation process to form new words. Onomatopoeia is the use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to (Hayden, 2008). The words like Bang!,  meow, pow, and beep are examples from onomatopoeia words. The words come from the sound of existing object. Usually, those words are used in film, story, comic, and poetry.

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Therefore, it makes me predict that onomatopoeia has role in forming new words. All words which are created from sounds of animal, mechanical sounds and fighting sounds really help human in using that language. However, the sounds which created by some objects will have different interpretation in language. So it makes me draw that actually onomatopoeia has role and big influence in forming new words by imitating the sounds and it will have different interpretation in Indonesian and English. In this paper, I will make comparison between onomatopoeia in Indonesian and English. I also try to find the tendency of ...

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