Upon the opening of the play of Macbeth we hear of him through narrative but do not see him, though the sergeant is biased towards Macbeth and Banquo in his report of them in battle.

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Varun Gupta

Upon the opening of the play of Macbeth we hear of him through narrative but do not see him, though the sergeant is biased towards Macbeth and Banquo in his report of them in battle. We find out from the sergeant that Macbeth is someone who portrayed valour on the battle field. However, this is interesting because we find out later that Macbeth is not as ruthless when he is not on the battle field. Macbeth was frightened of the witches when he first saw them. Firstly by their appearance and secondly by their predictions, but what is interesting is that the witches predicted things which were positive so Macbeth was afraid of how he might react after hearing their predictions. So we have clues that Macbeth had already thought about plotting to kill the king because of his ambition. All he needed was a little push to carry it through. I will convey to you the changes that take place in Macbeth´s character and his thought process as he changes.

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It is clear that Macbeth is well respected in the beginning of the play because of the sergeant´s report. The sergeants report made Macbeth sound gallant and the traitor Mackdonwald sound ruthless and not worthy of being killed by Macbeth. For example: "Merciless Mackdonwald" and "brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name)". The sergeant spoke with passion as he described Macbeth cutting through crowds of people to face Mackdonwald:
"Brandished steel….smoked with bloody execution….carved out his passage….till he faced the slave…unseamed him from the naves to the chops".
The sergeant then describes how Macbeth:
"fixed his head upon our battlements".
Macbeth would of done ...

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