Acupuncture, for example, is an ancient technique which originated in China as long ago as 2689 B.C. it is the stimulation of special points on the body usually with fine needles. Yoga is also among the oldest known systems of health practiced in the world today. It was first systematically set down in writing by Patanjali in the second century, B.C. Conversely, biofeedback and enzyme therapy are two alternative techniques which have gained prominence primarily in the twentieth century. Chiropractic medicine, naturopathic medicine, and osteopathic medicine all originated in the United States.
There are many benefits to alternative medicine. Acupuncture has been proven effective on curing nausea and acute and chronic pain. Osteopathy and chiropractic therapies diagnose and treat abnormalities of structure and function of bones, muscles and connective tissues. Herbal and botanical medicines have been known to treat diseases such as cancer, heart disease, blood pressure, diabetes and such like. There are other reasons why these alternative medicines are chosen over mainstream medicines. When buying many mainstream medicines, a prescription from a doctor is needed and therefore one will have to visit a doctor to get it, this will cause an extra expense for the person. Whereas if they wanted an alterative type medicine they can go to any pharmacy and get it without the hassle of a prescription. Certain alternative medicines when taken daily can prevent the users from getting particular ailments. These medicines also work in the long run healing the body gradually and this can benefit the person as they get older.
As in all things with the good comes the bad. Some alternative medicines have been confirmed to be dangerous to health. Such as Comfrey, whose leaf and root are used externally for treating bruises but some people are ingesting them for general healing. This herb can obstruct blood flow to the liver with possible fatal consequences. Another such medicine is Ephedra, which causes high blood pressure, heart attack and strokes. There are also some dieter’s teas that can cause vomiting, constipation and possible death.
There is a critical difference between mainstream medicine and alternative medicine. Mainstream medicine is a scientific endeavour and alternative medicine is not. However, medical practice was not always steeped in the traditions of science. Two centuries ago the discipline of medicine was based on dogma and authority, research was sporadic and uncoordinated and was not generally accepted as the way to improve the practice of medicine. Slowly, however, a few gifted scientists began to show how research and experimentation, can yield real knowledge which can be used to treat and cure patients. One by one, diseases began to fall under the understanding and control of physicians, and the results were undeniable.
Physicians base their clinical practice on solid research, they say that no two patients are exactly alike, and therefore the results of their interventions are never completely predictable. Medical knowledge is vast but medical ignorance is even more vast. Many illnesses still have no cure or only imperfect cures. Doctors are often reduced to managing symptoms, which is important and improves a patient’s quality of life, but does not offer hope of altering the disease course itself. However these medicines are reasonably expensive and quite a few people cannot affords them. Many of these prescription drugs cause many side effects and one has to decide whether they want to be cured of their ailment with the risk of these side effects or live with their current condition.
In conclusion it is easy to understand why people would be drawn to the allure of alternative medicine. Those therapies that are most successful are often very good at the personal aspect of health care. The interventions tend to be very hands-on and often even pleasurable, such as massage therapy or therapeutic touch, very different from the needles, probes, and x-rays of mainstream medicine.
Christianne Pollonais
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