Concepts of Equality, Diversity and Care
tormenteddreamer98gmailcom (student)
Concepts of Equality, Diversity, and Care
What is Equality, Diversity and Care?
* Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age.
* Diversity aims to recognise, respect and value people’s differences to contribute and realise their full potential by promoting an inclusive culture for all staff and students.
* Care is the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something/ Serious attention or consideration applied to doing something correctly or to avoid damage or risk.
Equality and Diversity can be promoted by:
* Treating all staff and students fairly
* Creating an inclusive culture for all staff and students
* Ensuring equal access to opportunities to enable students to fully participate in the learning process
* Enabling all staff and students to develop to their full potential
* Equipping staff and students with the skills to challenge inequality and discrimination in their work/study environment
* Making certain that any learning materials do not discriminate against any individuals or groups
* Ensuring policies, procedures and processes don't discriminate against anyone
The importance of equality in a health and social care setting
Equality is an important factor within a health and social care setting because professionals work with all types of people and they can’t discriminate them for their race, gender, class, sexuality, age etc.
Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone can participate and have the opportunity to fulfil their potential and no one is unfairly disadvantaged whilst Diversity is about valuing peoples' differences and addressing their different needs and situations.
Equality is important within schools because some children have disabilities need to be treated equally in order for them to develop and not feel discriminated and left out. Also, if a child is discriminated by staff in a school it can affect the child’s happiness and they may feel left out.
Equality is important in health and social care because it promotes equality and no discrimination whether this is direct, indirect or positive discrimination against an individual and by noticing it earlier their needs can be met quicker.
It means recognising discrimination and identifying the risks of discrimination - whether direct discrimination, indirect discrimination or harassment.
The Equality Act 2010 protects individuals within any setting but is it very important within a health and social care setting because it protects them from discrimination due to their; Age, Disability, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Race, Religion or Belief, Gender reassignment, Marriage or Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity. This is important for an individual’s protection and rights to be protected.
It is important to tackle the barriers that some individuals are facing such as not being able to access the services that they need.
Supporting the empowerment of patients, service users and their carers so that ...
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The Equality Act 2010 protects individuals within any setting but is it very important within a health and social care setting because it protects them from discrimination due to their; Age, Disability, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Race, Religion or Belief, Gender reassignment, Marriage or Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity. This is important for an individual’s protection and rights to be protected.
It is important to tackle the barriers that some individuals are facing such as not being able to access the services that they need.
Supporting the empowerment of patients, service users and their carers so that they can be involved in their own care and health improvement.
The Equality Act outlines the principle of indirect discrimination by disability. Indirect discrimination can happen if something that applies equally to everyone has a particularly adverse effect on disabled people.
The Equality Act also protects disabled people against direct discrimination and harassment when buying goods and using services. This could include shopping, leisure centre, using public transport or eating at a restaurant. Image result for different races holding hands
Diverse Arts
Art stimulates and develops creative ability. This is necessary in almost every field. Art can be used to express and explain people's emotions. Some people feel as though it helps them to relax and use it as a method to let out emotions of anger and frustration instead of lashing out physically towards other people. This benefits society because it means that people are not as likely to direct their anger towards others causing conflict. Arts can also be appreciated by people other than the artists themselves. Watching dance, theatre going to an art exhibition or listening to music can be just as enjoyable. Society is able to gain a wider knowledge of different cultures through art. We can understand a story within art without even knowing anything about the particular culture or language it is perceived from.
We can use the creative resources that diversity gives to us. Any form of art can usually be we understood across different cultures and religions such as paintings, dance and architecture. Even when arts such as films and opera features one language, there is also ways a visual story line to follow and so still can be understood by any culture. Links to this is the Arts Act 2003 and defines arts as 'any creative or interpretative expression (whether traditional or contemporary) in whatever form, and includes, in particular visual arts, theatre, literature, music, dance, opera, film, circus and architecture, and includes any medium when used for those purposes.’
Diverse arts links to health and social care arts as it can be used in counselling sessions. Arts come from many different countries and cultures and here in the UK we do use these. For example art therapy is used to show how someone is feeling some people might be inspired by art that have been introduced to us from different culture e.g. Aboriginal art People also express themselves through drama, many famous play come from different countries or are inspired by different cultures e.g. The Crucible Having diverse art can also be seen to link with health and social care as we can get to understand people and their cultures through arts such as film, plays etc. so health and social care professions can get to know different service users through this. And as we are exposed to arts from different cultures they might also find they have a common interest and this will set off the start of a professional relationship
Social Cohesion
Social cohesion is defined as the willingness of members of a society to cooperate with each other in order to survive and prosper.
Dick Stanley, Vol. 28, No. 1 (winter 2013)
Social cohesion is about:
* Creating a common vision and sense of belonging for everyone.
* Valuing and appreciating people from different backgrounds.
* Providing similar life opportunities for people from different backgrounds. Developing strong, positive relationships between people from different backgrounds in the workplace, in schools and within neighbourhoods.
* Good relations between groups and communities.
Social cohesion is important in health and social care because team members need to form this type bond of bond. Working in diverse teams means they need to respect all members and value each them as an individual. If this doesn't happen the team will operate ineffectively and will fall apart, causing problems for the service users Social cohesion is also important in health and social care for communication between professionals to be able to provide holistic care for service users. Professionals communicate closely within their team so that important information is the right place and the individuals receive the best care. This is also important within meetings such as drug, or alcohol misuse groups, because all individuals who are going through the same thing are going to a meeting and discussing their issues. This means they build friendships with people who have the same issue as who can help them to get better. This is beneficial because people of all ages out on streets without fear, there’s more tidy streets, gardens, parks and public areas, people mixing in shops, cafes, and parks, successful schools, libraries and community centres with lots of services for the whole community and finally, low levels of discrimination and racism.
Social cohesion is diverse because it links all people in one community. For example, it allows all types of people to be involved in what happens within their community and everything is affected. Belonging to a community is very important to human behaviour, as it provides a safe and understanding environment, and group that sticks together.
People with different cultures need different dietary needs as they believe in different things because of what they believe in. Another good reason to enjoy a multicultural society is its food. In a recent survey in Britain the Chinese dish Chow Mein was voted the favourite food, with Indian food being the other main choice. Only 6% of the 1000 people that were questioned admitted never to eating ethnic food. However Mexican food is extremely popular. This is partly due to our multicultural society and also because more people are travelling to other countries and tasting different types of food and drink. A person's diet also needs to be tailored to their health requirements. For example, diabetes and some older people may need to exclude certain foods. Likewise a person's religious beliefs may mean that halal meat is a requirement. Asking people about their food likes and dislikes and what they can and cannot eat, is all part of considering and respecting their diversity.
Having multiple options when it comes to food within residential homes, they have a range of different food choices. Having food options for service users that have different cultures for example: some cultures might only be allowed to eat certain meats so providing a diverse range of foods means that these cultures can have the opportunity to choose what they would like to eat which is promoting their independence by them having a choice. Also, service users may need to have particular foods due to dietary needs and may need to have more of one food group than the others.
Education not only prepares us for adult life as a child but it also provides the skills we need to make friendships and behavioural expectations we need when away from our family. It's proven that those who have an education can live another 51 years compared to those who don't, living an additional 43 years. Having diversity in society allows youths a wider variety of subjects to learn. Language is now more accessible than ever due to the variety of teachers in the UK who can speak languages other than English. Linking this to health and social care means school children have a better range of subjects they can learn from rather than no choice in their education due to diversity being unavailable.
Education allows us to read, to write and learn social skills. Disabled children are able to go into mainstream schooling without feeling left out due to teaching assistance being available. This is because people with different backgrounds therefore skills are able to work together due to diversity having home schooling as part Some young people are unable to attend school for medical reasons, of education means they aren't missing out, getting equal opportunities. around Different levels of education such as college, university means teachers are available from than Europe to deliver different levels of teacher. This allows students to gain higher qualifications perhaps they couldn't have done before. whether it This wide variety of diverse teaching means every child's needs are being accounted for, be behavioural problems, disability problems or those who struggle with school Everyone in the UK is entitled to an education meaning different backgrounds learn together from those who migrate to the UK. This is diversity as the students are getting a wider range of experience, also by having the value of diverse staff it allows each person in a health and social sector to learn new skills and abilities