Drugs and Alcohol

        In this essay I aim to find out why people, particularly teenagers, turn to drugs and / or alcohol. I am also going to research the different kinds of drugs available, and the effects of these drugs and alcohol. I will also find out how I can help somebody with a drug or alcohol problem.

        There are many reasons why people turn to drugs or alcohol, they include:

  • They enjoy the short-term effects
  • They want the same kind of experience they get from drinking alcohol
  • Their friends use them
  • They are curious about the effects
  • The drugs are easily available
  • As part of growing up, teenagers want to ‘break the rules’

Alcohol, however, is a lot easier to get hold of, and many young children and teenagers have drunk alcohol with their friends to get drunk. I surveyed several teenagers that have drank alcohol and asked them why they did it.

Becky, 13 – My friends have vodka and stuff in their cupboards and we just mix them all up and get drunk for a laugh. I know it’s stupid but we just do it.

Jo, 15 – One night I just got really, really drunk because I was with my friends. I ended up giving some lip to a policeman and being put in a cell!

Miles, 17 – If alcohol disappeared there’d be no way to enjoy yourself.

People take drugs and drink alcohol differently, and these different ways are put into three different categories. Some people take a drug or drink alcohol because they are curious about what the effects feel like. This is called experimentation. Recreational drugs is a term used to describe the ways in which people take drugs or drink alcohol for pleasure, or for social reasons – when going to a club or a party for example. Problem drug use however has a harmful effect on a person’s life. This is when people rely on drugs or alcohol to take away their problems, and rely on them to help them cope with normal life. This problem is likely to affect their health and they may suffer from mental health problems, lose their friends, have money problems, or get in trouble with the law.

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Cannabis is the most commonly used drug among 11 – 25 year olds. Cannabis is derived from Cannabis sativa, a plant found wild in most parts of the world and easily cultivated in Britain. Cannabis was first documented as a herbal remedy in a Chinese pharmacy text of the first century AD. It was introduced into Western medicine in the 1840s and was used for a variety of complaints. In Britain, recreational use of cannabis was first prohibited in 1928. Since the early 1970s cannabis has been one of the most widely misused illegal drugs. Some doctors believe that cannabinoids ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

This essay looks at the use of drugs and alcohol and the effect on health. It shows some good research in areas but has some information that isn't really relevant. It could be enhanced by trying to investigate in greater depth why people would want to start taking or using these substances. ****