In this assignment I am going to write about the cardiovascular and digestive systems relation with metabolism energy in the body

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P4 Pasterkamp

In this assignment I am going to write about the cardiovascular and digestive system’s relation with metabolism energy in the body. In this assignment I have to explain and outline the physiology of two systems of the body, using links from energy metabolism, discussing and stating the functions and roles of energy in the body.

In this assignment I will be advising a 45 year old male, who’s slightly ‘over weight’.

Introduction to Energy

Energy is the chemicals which cause chemical reactions and in able the body to react physically. Energy is found in all types of food, that we consume, but some contain more energy resources than others such as; glucose is amongst many sources of energy which is found in the body, glucose release energy. Energy is found in carbohydrates’ like paste, fruit, wheat grains and dairy milk that is organic and comes straight from farm animals that have a significant amount of carbohydrates. Glucose, carbohydrates and proteins are transported around the body when food is consumed.

Food is consumed and energy is formed and is used for different body uses; energy cannot be lost or destroyed in the body. There are various different types of energy forms found in the body, like heat energy which is changed in the body, from other heat energy forms like chemical energy which is used for work. The heat energy provides the energy feel cold or warm up the body, for example, sweat is produced when a person jogs because the body gets hot due to blood is circulated around the body faster than usual, sweat is needs to cool off.

The most of the important energy in the body is supplied by ATP energy source, which in the body’s cells like mitochondria. The main function of ATP energy is to transport the chemical energy in the cells of the body to provide energy metabolism. ATP energy is used for various different uses in the body, ATP energy provides important energy to the body, by simply transforming the food we consume into energy to enable to function properly.

Energy metabolism is the energy that is used by the body to maintain all the internal function working constantly.

 The role of energy in the body is linked to two body systems; the Digestive system and the cardiovascular system. These two body systems are involved in the role of supplying energy in the body.

The first system out of the two physiology system that I will be discussing is the digestive system, and the role that the energy plays to in the body’s systems

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The digestive system

The digestive system’s function is to break down food and help the body get rid of fluidly body waste. The main function of the body is also to transport the broken up food and provide nutrition to the cells in the body.

The soluble materials are then able to pass through the capillaries of the cardiovascular system. The capillaries pass around the food with the broken down food however through various stages, the food then gets transformed into energy. The name of this process is called ‘Glycolysis’.

The process Glycolysis has various different stages, in the ...

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