Jessica’s case study
Eating unhealthy food and lack of exercises is the main cause of obesity. Jessica is an overweight women, as she is really over weight she finds it very difficult to stand and even walk around, she seems to get pain her knees when she try’s to stand or walk.
Jessica will need measurements of health like BMI which will measure her height in meters that will be kept as a record. Hence if Jessica loses or gains more weight it is easier to monitor, and track Jessica’s progress or failure.
What treatment
Jessica firstly has to be taught to understand the quantities and requirements of food to consume, which includes educating her on diet choices as well as healthy eating in order to promote her health and well being. Making the right food choices together with exercise will definitely be the way forward for Jessica. This information will help Jessica understand how she’s become so overweight as well as teach her to eat and maintain a healthy life style.
(how to reduce)
Understand and learn more about the food she eats.(choices)
Reduce eating take aways.
Eat a balanced healthy diet.
Exercise is essential, but Jessica should consult her GP on her exercise regime.
Task two. My measurements of health
Poor life choices can be
*eating far to much
*different types of food.
*smoking –negative lifestyle
*not eating enough food
*not getting the right balance if nutrition’s
*drinking alcohol has effect on nerves system
Alcohol also contains a lot of calories.
* Exercising – helps to improve lifestyle.
Blood pressure is the force exerted by your blood on your blood vessel walls as it travels around your body. Blood pressure is the measurement of force to an artery wall.
From my primary research I found out that when blood pressure is to low it can cause a danger to women especially pregnant women, because it is a big hazard for mother and baby she is carrying.
The different ways high blood pressure rises:
*Eating to much salt than the daily amount
*Being stressed over work or possible problems.
*Being overweight/ obesity (making it difficult for blood to pump around the body)
*Smoking can also increase blood pressure.
The different was to lower the blood pressure:
*Making sure you do quite a bit exercise
*Keeping a healthy diet
*Cutting down on salt
*Cutting down on alcohol
*Eating more fruit and vegetable.
High blood pressure can cause a big increase towards heart attacks or strokes. It can also shorten person expectancy by years, if it’s not treated.
The peak flow is the ability of a person push flow degree of restriction in the air way.
Heart rate is the number the beats your heart pumps around the body per minute. Male adult is the average of 70bmp and for female adults 75bpm. Small children usually have the fast heart rate.
My primary research from a guest speaker from the science department I found out that, if a persons exercising and if they struggle to get there body back to normal this shows the person is unfit making them less healthy.
If a person has 20 beats per minute this tells us the person is healthy.
If a person has 12 per minute this shows the person you really unhealthy.
Body mass index is a simple measurement of thinness or fatness, this see if some one is over or under weight. To much fat in the body may cause heart risks.
Having a high blood pressure can be reduced by taking care of your body by exercising, making sure you’re eating the right amount of salt and also eating fruit and vegetables which is good for our diets.
Having a very high heart rate can be reduced by a physical activity which helps the heart pump more blood around the body.
When people have body mass index which is too high it can be reduced by exercise to help keep the body fit, eating less portions of food and possible changing around the diet to produce a healthier diet.
When I measured with scales how much I weighed I found out I weighed 7 stones. After my weight I measured my height, I found out my height was 5 foot 2. My measurement for my heart rate was 96 this was quite high as when I was getting it measured I got nervous raising my heart rate. I also measured my blood pressure was 103bmp over 63bmp.
When I looked on the height and weight chart my BMI statue was under-weight.
For my age group I am under weight, by looking at the ‘height/weight chart’ from the society, health and development level 2 higher diploma… (need to finish)
(are they normal for my age)
Task 3
Diabetes can be diagnosed by three different types;
Type 1 diabetes is usually first diagnosed in children, teenagers and young adults. Type 1 Diabetes happens when the pancreas doesn’t make insulin, when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the pancreatic cells which are used to make insulin. Insulin helps produce cells called beta cells.
Type2 diabetes is first diagnosed at any age; it can even be developed in a childhood. Type2 diabetes begins when the insulin resistance, a muscle condition, liver and the fat cell do not use the insulin properly. The body needs the insulin so the glucose is able to enter in the cells which are used for energy. The pancreas has to keep up with demands so it helps produce more insulin in the body, but during time the pancreas may lose the ability to secrete the right amount of insulin in meals.
Gestation diabetes first occurs during pregnancy, this happens when women are pregnant and the insulin needed seems to increase. Many people develop gestational diabetes happens later on in the pregnancy. Gestation diabetes usually disappears after the baby is born. Women, who develop type2, are likely to get gestation diabetes later on in life.
People with diabetes have to receive a test from BMI (body mass index) this will find whether they are at the normal weight. If the results are normal, they will repeat the testing’s for about every 3 years, some doctors may require more frequent testing only if these any risk status.
Children and teenagers have came more common in young people, those who have high risks or developing diabetes need to have a test almost every 2 years
People who have asthma have to have a series of tests and treatments for example:The doctors will test how well the lungs work, they will give the patient breathing tests called spirometry . The patient will have to breath into a machine called a spirometry.
The spirometry will measure to volume of air they patient can breathe
Out in one second his is called forced expiratory. The measurement will then be compared to normal measurement for the patient’s age.
A peak flow meter will be used to take measurements of how fast the air is blown out of the patients lungs in a breathe, this is known as a peak flow test. Some patients may have a peak flow meter at home so they are able to keep a diary record of their measurements on the peak flow. Some patients may be asked to make a record of any symptoms that they may face, so when they have another appoint at the doctors, the doctors are able to see whether the asthma is getting worse.
Airway responsiveness test can be done to check the airway to see if it