Sociological Perspective concept of ill health

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Pattern and Trend in Health and illness

The 3 social groups I will be comparing with will be:

* Social Class

* Ethnicity

* And Gender


From the data on the right, it shows clear evidence that South Asia has a longer mortality rate compared to the rest of the world. Caribbean and West Africa shows that they are below the standard mortality rate. There are clear reasons suggesting why Caribbean and West Africa fall below the standard mortality rate whiles south Asia having the highest.

Asian people have great knowledge into knowing what's good for their health and generally knowing how to take care of themselves. Because of this, they avoid unhealthy food such as fried oily dishes where consuming more healthy food such as steam fish. Because due to their good life style and diet, it helps and contributes their mortality rate much higher.

European has the next highest mortality rate where they fall behind South Asia. Because Europe is a fairly rich economy, the people can afford to eat decent meals. However, it's because European does not know how to take care of their diet the same way Asian people does, their mortality rate is affected being lower. This may be due to eating more fried oily food where socially European has been referred to eating "fried fish and chips".

Caribbean and West Africa may not necessarily be consuming unhealthily, there are alternative reason into why their mortality rate is lower. Unlike the European, Caribbean and West Africa is not a rich economy. The society may not get a filling meal each day. Because of this, their health is affected of not having a good nutritional diet and therefore increasing the chance of dying at an early age. This therefore is shown in the result having the two economies being very low.

In this graph, it shows the perinatal mortality rate of different economy. This includes Pakistan, Caribbean, Bangladesh, India, E Africa and UK. It shows Pakistan having the highest rate per 1000 live and still births while UK having the lowest. This may be due to many health reasons. Comparing Pakistan and UK, Pakistan does not have the essential support in health to where UK has. This is because for example, UK has many health clinics such as the NHS where it enables people to have health routine checks and more. Pakistan in the other hand does not have this type of luxury where it is available to the public. Even if there is this service, it will cost too much and simply, they cannot afford it due to being within a poor economy.

The graph also shows an order where which country is rich and unhealthy which is shown by having the economy going downwards from Pakistan being unwealthy to UK being the lowest in perinatal mortality rate being the most wealthiest.
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Some people may come from different culture so therefore have a language problem to communicate. Therefore, they would not go to the doctors.


From this graph, it is comparing the health and illness of both sexes. Each has it own high and low areas.

On the graph, it shows male having a total death of 109,094 while's females having a total death of 72,486. Male and female in general have different life styles. Male are generally more physical and females are less physical. Males may have a highest death rate due to ...

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