Use a range of sources of evidence to explain the factors that have influenced the development of Shirleys self-concept.

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1A. Use a range of sources of evidence to explain the factors that have influenced the development of Shirley’s self-concept.  Include information about:

  • Own personal identification
  • Secondary influences
  • Comparison made with other people’s roles

Own personal identification:

Personal identification is anything that can be used to identify an individual. Personal identification is very important for a person because this is the way people can recognise who you are for the qualities and values one individual may represent. Our personal identification splits ‘self’ into two parts. When two parts are combined we become aware that although our values, beliefs, and regard for ourselves may change, depending on how others react to us, there is continuity of identity throughout our lives.

For example Shirley as being a child would have learn a sense who she is through the process of identification, e.g. around the age of 5-6 children identify their same sex parent, Freud felt that this was the most natural development and it was necessary in order for a child to develop normally into adulthood, this was not the case with Shirley since She was a unwanted child from birth this affected her self-identification as she did not know who she is and where she belongs. And it had taken her longer to figure out her same sex parent, as she was not receiving the love and affection as any other normal child was, so that is why she is understanding things later than any other normal child.

Personal identification can fall under self-concept, and self-concept is very important because it affects all our relationships and interactions with others. We need to have a good opinion of ourselves in order to enjoy good relationship with others. If we have a poor self-concept, it is likely that it like affect our behaviour e.g. we would become withdrawn from other, may not achieve in examinations and may become a bully towards others. Having a high self-concept is, therefore, a very important feature of development.

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Self-concept fall under three categories:

  • Self-esteem: an evaluation of how we see ourselves, including how much we like ourselves.
  • Ideal-self: the sort of person we would like to be.
  • Self-image: our description of who we are, which includes knowledge from our social roles, e.g. mother, father, aunt, the personality traits we have, e.g. whether we are clever, have a sense

Shirley personal identity is one of the ways that she can see herself which is closely connected to her self-image. Personal identity is very important as it will affect the way Shirley might feel about ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

This essay starts well but it is a little weak at trying to explain factors that have influenced self concept. I do not think that the writer has fully researched or understood how self concept develops and, as a result, the essay does not meet its brief. There are lots of areas to enhance the essay including bringing in more research. Self concept is a challenging issue to write about, but very interesting and there is lots to discuss. ***