Bombing of Pearl Harbour

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Bombing of Pearl Harbor


On the morning of December 7, 1941, the Empire of Japan's Carrier Striking Task Force made a surprise attack on the United States naval base on Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii (which is situated in the North Pacific Ocean, 2,300 miles (3,700 km) from the mainland of the United States.), against the U.S. Pacific Fleet and other US armed forces stationed at the harbor and also on the other side of Oahu. The attack encourage the U.S. into entering World War II on the following day and officially started the Pacific War.

There are many reasons behind the attack on Pearl Harbor, here are some major reasons why:

  • Japan wanted to build a strong empire in Asia
  • Japan had appointed a war-like general as Prime Minister
  • Japan believed the Americans would not fight back
  • Japan believed a war with America was inevitable anyway and wished to strike first
  • Japan was already at war with China
  • America provoked Japan into war by imposing trade sanctions and making impossible demands
  • Japan needed raw materials like oil. It could only get them by invading oilfields in South-East Asia.

During the year 1941, there was already a plan to attack Pearl Harbor. Through out the year, the Japanese military was used in planning, training, weapon development, spying, and organization with other plans to invade East Asia. In September 1941, the Japanese believed a war with America was predictable, unless the U.S. agreed with the Japanese positions in China, Indochina, and elsewhere. Preparations for attacks against Malaya, the Philippines, and separated Pacific islands were ready by the planned date of early December. Pearl Harbor attack planning was a part of the Japanese probability the U.S. would be unavoidably drawn into the war after a Japanese attack against Malaya and Singapore.

Neutralizing the American naval power in the Pacific was the aim of surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, if only for the time being. The Japanese had two options either attack the U.S. or giving up their territory in South-east Asia. The success of this attack was the only way to keep the future of Imperial Japan. The difficulties of this attack would be very hard to be succeed by two reasons. First, the Pacific Fleet was a remarkable force, and would not be easy to defeat or surprise. Second, for air attack, Pearl Harbor's shallow waters made using traditional air-dropped torpedoes ineffective. On the other hand, Hawaii's isolation meant a successful surprise attack could not be blocked or quickly countered by forces from the U.S.

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Reasons behind the attack on Pearl Harbor

By 1900 Japan was on its way to becoming a major power. It was rapidly building up its industry. It was a major trading nation, but depended on imports of raw material. To gain raw materials of its own it began to think about invading Manchuria (part of china). Manchuria had plenty of coal and iron and the people there would provide a market for Japanese goods. However, for the time being Japan simply increased its trade links with Manchuria. In 1905 Japan won a war with Russia. As a result ...

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