How accurate is it to say that the growth of Black Power was the most important factor in the weakening of the civil rights movement in the 1960s?

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Rhiannon Bayes                                                                                                                           12.1

How accurate is it to say that the growth of Black Power was the most important factor in the weakening of the civil rights movement in the 1960s?

Black Power is a political slogan and a name for various ideas aimed at promoting the Black racial group. There are and have previously been mixed views on whether Black Power was the most important factor in the weakening of the civil rights movement in the 1060s. Some people agree that Black Power weakened the civil rights movement because groups like the Nation of Islam used violence in campaigns. However, some people disagreed that Black Power weakened the civil rights movement on the basis that civil rights was limited for other reasons like the difference between the North and South.

One argument in agreement that Black Power were highly important in weakening the civil rights movement is the point that Black Power were more than happy to use violence if it meant getting their point across. This was in contrast to other movements such as the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP), as other groups preferred to use peaceful protests. Many people were against Black Power for this reason, as it meant that they were doing to the white people what had previously been done to them. This was seen as a contradiction and therefore not a progress in civil rights. One group that used violence, were the Nation of Islam, who were a militant group. The group believed that Blacks should live completely separately from Whites and that they should be self-governed. This group claimed to part of Islam, but in fact were in complete contrast to the ideas of Islam, as followers of Islam believe that the “purpose of existence is to love and serve God”, and this organisation were committing unloving acts of violence. For example, their leader Malcolm X, who left the organisation in 1965, was murdered by members of the Nation of Islam. The organisation undermined the idea of using peaceful protests and work done by Martin Luther King (MLK). The civil rights movements relied heavily on white support and the Nation of Islam lost a lot of white support as a result of this violence, so this hindered their progress made.

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Another view that some people had about Black Power weakening the civil rights movement was the fact the Malcolm X, who was the leader of the Nation of Islam, would regularly criticise MLK. This was seen as a bad thing as it didn’t show teamwork between the different organisations and it is organisation and co-operation that is needed to make campaigns successful and it was what was needed for the civil rights movement to make progress. Malcolm X referred Martin Luther King to ‘Uncle Tom’. This was an offensive term that meant somebody who would live through bad conditions and ...

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