How and why did America develop a policy of containment, and how did this lead to involvement in Korea?

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How and why did America Develop a Policy of Containment, and how did this

Lead to Involvement in Korea?

Containment was a policy that was developed by America during the 1940'

s, the idea was to limit the advance of Communism. Communism is something

that was very much feared by America throughout the twentieth century, and

it appeared to be spreading rapidly throughout Eastern Europe.

The spread of communism was often referred to as the 'domino theory,'

it was described as this because America believed that if one country would

fall to the power, then the next would, and the next, and so on. This had

consequently proven to be true as after Russia fell to communist revolution

so did China and Czechoslovakia, followed very shortly by Korea and Vietnam.

But for the time being America were not interested in rolling back communism
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to where it came, but to prevent it from branching out to anymore countries.

The president at the time was Truman, and from the beginning of his

presidency in 1945, he was seen as a weak figure, as he had only ever worked

in Roosevelt's shadow. During the later years of his time in power he was

accused of being a communist sympathisers, due to the fact that he had given

a sector of Germany to the Soviet Union during the war settlement. This left

Truman in a position where he had ...

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