Women and the war effort in Britain, 1914-1918'

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Women and the war effort in Britain, 1914-1918’

1.        Source A is the front cover of the June 1917 edition of the ‘The War Worker’, a magazine published during the First World War.

        The picture on the front cover shows a soldier and a woman factory worker, both holding union flags and stepping up together onto a platform. This picture is no doubt aimed at the women of the country, encouraging them to stand up, unite and join the men in their common cause- to contribute towards the British war effort. It shows the equality of men and women, and their duty and ability to contribute towards British victory. Both are standing at the same level, proudly holding the union flag.

        However, the equality represented here was not reality- women were paid significantly less than men, and didn’t have the same rights (e.g. exclusion from most trade unions etc.) This source is simply an idealisation- one side of the truth.

        To call this source useless would be a mistake. It may be biased, one-sided and idealistic, but it is actually a good source. It shows the high level of patriotism that the government were encouraging, and what they encouraged the women of Britain to aspire to. They obviously saw women as important in the short term, even if they weren’t willing to make them permanently equal.


2.        Source C is an extract from a book (written 1994). It records that a policewoman’s experience was that women were prone to striking, i.e. they disliked work, and were very unenthusiastic.

         However, Source E’s content is very different. The source is an excerpt from the Daily Chronicle (a respected newspaper) at the time in 1915 and describes the women’s enthusiasm as ‘historic’, and their spirit ‘unconquerable and undivided’.

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        Although Source C has the advantage of hindsight, it is personal and specific, and doesn’t give a general view.

        However, on the contrary Source E is rather generalised and not specific enough. Also, we have to take into account that the paper would have been ‘encouraged’ by the Ministry of Information to be positive, so as to increase the morale of the populous.

        Thus, with all taken into account, we can say that both have their uses, one reliable as a personal source, and the other as a general one.


3.        Source D is an extract written by Rex Pope ...

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