Murder and Voluntary Manslaughter

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Rudi Harnick U6G2  

                                           Unit 4 Essay

Discuss the criticisms which may be made of the law on murder (including voluntary manslaughter)

Contrary to Common Law murder is defined as the killing of a human being within the Queens Peace with malice aforethought and on conviction carries a mandatory life sentence. On the other hand voluntary  manslaughter is a Common Law offence and carries up to life imprisonment.

For both murder and voluntary manslaughter the Actus Reus is exactly the same: a voluntary act (or omission in some cases) that is the factual and legal cause of the death of a human being.

In the UK there is no legal definition of death and this could lead to uncertainty when the jury is considering whether the defendant is guilty or not. Problems are yet to occur and even when the Criminal Law Committee considered this problem in 1980 they concluded that statute should not intervene. So the courts have continued to interpret the meaning of death where necessary. For example in R V Malcherek the court decided it was suitable to assume that death occurs when the victim is brain dead. However they also said that turning off life support does not brake the chain of causation when seeing if a defendant is liable.

Also thanks to the passing of the Law Reform Act (year and a day rule 1996) a defendant can be held liable even if the victim dies three years after the incident whereas before the defendant could be found liable only if the death occurred within a year and a day of the incident. However if the death occurred more than three years after the incident or if the defendant has been convicted of a Non Fatal Offence the Attorney General must consent to the prosecution. Some people may find this limiting in prosecuting killers when new evidence arises thanks to scientific progress.

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The Mens Rea for murder is intent to kill or cause Grievous Bodily Harm. This sometimes may cause criticisms as it means that people who intentionally end the suffering of a loved one may be found guilty of murder but a person who plants a bomb and gives warning (but someone dies in the blast) will not be liable as he did not intend to kill so does not have the sufficient Mens rea.

Euthanasia is illegal in the UK however it is not illegal for doctors to issue drugs for pain relief that may accelerate death. This was decided ...

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