Outline the actions you will take to prepare for applying to your chosen public service.

Joseph Whitelegg Unit 16 – Task 4 43006701
Outline the actions you will take to prepare for applying to your chosen public service.
After having made first contact with the British Army some years ago, I was recently invited to St Helens Army Careers office where I met the recruiting Sergeant and Army careers advisor to manage my application further.
Initially this involved certain eligibility checks to ensure that I met the Army’s conditions of entry such as: age, nationality and residency. Once these brief checks were proven the Sergeant talked me through the full range of options open to me and we discussed at length the various roles of each job in the British Army. Before I left the Careers Office I was given an information pack containing all the information needed to continue with my application and was invited to return the following week to take part in some basic tests.