Baroque (1650-1750)

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Baroque (1650-1750)

  • Full of ornaments and decoration
  • Use of  effects
  • Use of terraced dynamics
  • Often accompanied by a harpsichord
  • The birth period of the modern orchestra

The word 'Baroque' was applied to architecture and was a way of describing the very decorated style of building that was becoming popular at this time. Buildings were being decorated with twisting, curling patterns and music too became highly decorated.

the music has lots of decoration. In some ways decorating the music like this meant that musicians were able to 'show-off' their skill. Singers too used to decorate the music in their singing.

The Baroque period was also a great time for musical development, not only in how music was played but in how music was composed, the development of instruments and new types of work

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The Harpsichord was a very important instrument - it had been around for many years but became increasingly used to accompany other instruments. Click on the picture to hear some harpsichord music. Notice how the tunes weave in and out - an idea brought from the Medieval period.

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The violin too was becoming increasingly popular as a solo instrument. Developed from the viols of the Renaissance the violin family were the 'back bone' of any musical ensemble. The Italian violin makers such as Antonio Stradivarius were developing and improving instruments. ...

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