Assess Representative Realism [24]

Representative Realism (like direct realism) states that the world consists of material objects that occupy space, and that these material objects possess properties that exist independently of a perceiver. However, unlike the direct realist, the representative realist would claim that we cannot directly perceive objects as they really are, independent of us. The representative realist distinguishes sense data from the objects perceived and that the physical object causes a sensation in us (a representation of the object as it is). Only objects that possess primary qualities (occupation of space, motion etc) exist independently of us. Sense experience of colour, sound, smell and taste do not exist in the objects themselves in the same way that the primary qualities do.

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Can you imagine a bachelor who is hungry or is bald? Is he still a bachelor? Obviously yes. However, if he were to get married or to have a sex change, he would no longer fulfil the criteria of bachelorhood (being a single male), so being unmarried and male are the essential elements (or primary qualities) of being a bachelor. Another example would be when we consider an object like an apple. We are still able to recognise that an apple is an apple, regardless of whether or not we can see its colour or be able to smell ...

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