Evaluate the claim that Kantian ethics is useful in decision making

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Evaluate the claim that Kantian ethics is useful in decision making-

Kantian ethics=deontological (acts are intrinsically right or wrong) & absolutist (fixed universal standard of morality) theory used for laws day to day

Helpful method; takes the actions into account to judge if an act is right or wrong rather than just consequences

Kantian ethics stems from Immanuel Kant; opposed by utilitarian’s such as John Stewart Mill, Peter Singer

Here I argue about the deontologist viewpoint of this theory, the idea of good will, and the universal law principle.

Kant says Kantian ethics a deontologist theory which means that acts are intrinsically wrong or right so it doesn’t focus on the consequences.

Good; consequences my not have to be thought of when judging acts but focus on what should be done if it’s morally right or wrong (just based off the actions). Deontology is helpful; if not people are always going to have to consider multiple consequences; time-consuming, vague/ unreliable.  E.g. torture; information may not be useful; it’s unknown BUT torture is intrinsically wrong itself so Kant would say no torture.

However, in a utilitarian viewpoint it is teleological viewpoint meaning unlike Kantian ethics it is based on consequences which make an act right or wrong, this is followed through by John Mill and Peter Singer.

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This can be a better approach as an act that is morally wrong can lead to a definite consequence which morally right. An example is of an axe murderer, where a man knocks on your door to seek refuge and you let him then an axe murderer comes by and asks where the man is, you can lie and save the man’s life or tell the truth and the man dies, Kant here would say to tell the truth as the act is right and he focuses on the act, but a utilitarian would say to lie, which is the ...

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