(1)a) Explain how meta-ethics is different from normative ethics. (33)

Normative ethical theories are different moral codes of behaviour, the principles we might out into action, the rules by which we might live, the criteria we might use when making moral judgement. Utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, religious ethics, situation ethics, virtue ethics and natural law are all example of normative theories of ethics, they try to shoe us how to behave. normative ethical theories debate at ways we should of deciding what was 'good', 'bad', 'right' and 'wrong' believing them to have an absolute value. Where as...

Meta ethics is a term used to describe the study of the meaning of ethical languages. What we are doing when we use words such as 'Good'? Are we expressing our feelings of approval? Meta ethical philosophers try work out what we are doing when we use moral language, because if there is no agreement about the meaning of ethical language, then ethical debates are pointless and will never achieve anything.

There are four main parts to Meta ethics, naturalism, intuitionism, Emotivism, and prescriptivism.  

Naturalism is moral facts that can be deduced through science and logic from the world around us. naturalism was produced by F.H.Bradley who thought that ethical words like 'good', 'bad', 'right' and 'wrong' can be defined, through observation of the natural world,  in the same way we define 'maths' or 'science'.

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You can clearly see what you ought to do by observing your position in society and. your duty was to know yourself and then do your duty. Morals can be based on the same kind of observation of the world as used on science.

Intuitionism is a special sense for detecting morality. Intuitionism was produced by G.E. Moore. Moore thought that naturalists had made a mistake , and that moral statements cannot be verified  simply by looking at the evidence available to the five senses and in the way we observe the physical aspects of the universe. You ...

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