What can a study of Marks gospel tell Christians of different dominations the meaning and importance of the Sabbath?AO2:Explain how jesus' teaching on the sabbath

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AO1:What can a study of Marks gospel tell Christians of different dominations the meaning and importance of the Sabbath?

AO2:Explain how jesus' teaching on the sabbath

AO3: "Christians should be free to do as they please on a Sunday, god wont mind" do you agree with this statement?

Marks Gospel tells us Christians today the true meaning and importance of the Sabbath. For lots of Christians today the Sabbath day (day of rest) for Christians (Sunday) is just another boring day old Sunday where they have to sit through church. But the Sabbath day is really a day of celebration of Jesus' life and worshiping of God. Mark's gospel outlines how Jesus saw the Jewish Sabbath day (Saturday). The Pharisees corrupted the Sabbath creating too many rules to uphold. But Jesus explained how we should see the Sabbath , and what Jesus said can really effect the way modern Christians see the Sabbath and help them in today's modern society.

In Mark 1:21-31 it tells us Jesus himself went to the synagogue on the Jewish Sabbath so Christians should go too, for the son of God went and if the divine son God can make an effort to go to church on his holy day then so should his followers (Christians).

Also in Mark 2:23-28 Jesus is walking through a corn field while his disciples gather corn to eat. Jesus is then accused of sinning for he was working on the Sabbath day. Jesus then tells the Pharisees the story of King David (an ancestor revered by the Jewish people) and when his people were hungry he fed them the holy bread only to be eaten by priest's. Jesus then goes on to say "The Sabbath was made for the good of man, not man for the Sabbath". What Jesus was saying was that the Sabbath was made for the good of all people and not for the people to hate it. This tells Christians today to go to mass and enjoy it rather than not enjoy it. Because a Christian going to mass because someone is making them or going to please someone is just an empty gesture.
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Mark 3:1-6, Jesus heals a man's hand even though it is the Sabbath and no work is to be done on the Sabbath. The Pharisees are angered by this and do not want Jesus to continue with his healing but Jesus says "what does our law allow us to do on the Sabbath? To help or to harm? To save life or destroy it?" But the Pharisees went silent and Jesus healed the mans hand. This act tells modern Christians that Jesus did good on the Sabbath even though the Pharisees didn't like it. So today's Christians can ...

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