An investigation to examine the effects of temperature on membrane stability in beetroot, by assessing the degree of pigment leakage.

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An investigation to examine the effects of temperature on membrane stability in beetroot, by assessing the degree of pigment leakage.

Aim: - to discover how temperature affects the stability of the cell membrane in beetroot.


Plant cells contain a plant cell wall as well as a cell membrane, which surround the protoplast (everything that is within the cell) of the cells. All cell membranes consist of a phospholipids bilayer, which are made up of two layers of phospholipids, hence the name.

The plasma membrane is a partially permeable barrier between the cell and the extra cellular environment.

The plasma membrane mainly consists of phospholipids. These phospholipids are a phosphate head, which is attached to two fatty acid tails (hydrocarbon chain). The phosphate group is highly soluble in water and so hydrophilic; however, the fatty acid tails are not soluble in water and therefore are hydrophobic. In the plasma membrane, the phospholipids are in two layers (hence the name phospholipid bilayer). The hydrophobic regions of the phospholipids line up together in the middle of the membrane, whilst the hydrophilic regions are on the outside of the membrane. Due to the hydrophobic regions of the phospholipid bilayer, it is generally not possible for large charged molecules or ions to pas through the membrane freely.

The phospholipids have a hydrophilic (water liking and so soluble in water) head, which is a phosphate group (PO4³¯) that is attached to two hydrocarbon tails (fatty acids, that are insoluble in water and so are hydrophobic). There are other components that can be found in the phospholipids bilayer; however, phospholipids comprise most of the membrane. The hydrophobic regions of the phospholipids are directed towards the interior of the membrane and the hydrophilic heads are directed towards the exterior.

Fig 1. Diagram of the cross-section of a phospholipids bilayer within a plant cell.

The phospholipids bilayer acts as a barrier between the protoplast and the surroundings of the cell as well as controlling what enters and leaves the cell. The bilayer is impermeable to ions and large polar molecules due to the hydrophobic regions within the phospholipids bilayer. However, specialised proteins within the bilayer, allow movement of these substances.

It is selectively permeable and controls what enters and exits the cell. It does this by the proteins that are in it, however small lipid molecules, non-polar molecules and small water molecules can enter and exit the cell straight across the membrane through the phospholipids. This is due to the properties and size of the molecules, which enable them to do so. Extrinsic and intrinsic proteins in the cell membrane help other the molecules enter or leave the cell by either facilitated diffusion or active diffusion.

Some of these transport proteins are lined with the hydrophilic R-groups of the proteins amino acids, which only allow certain charged molecules and ions to pass through. Different proteins are specific to certain molecules hence the cell membrane being selectively permeable. These transport proteins allow molecules to diffuse through the phospholipid bilayer; diffusion is the movement of molecules from a high concentration to a lower concentration down a concentration gradient.

The use of these transport proteins means that the type of diffusion that is occurring here is facilitated diffusion; this means that something is helping the molecules to diffuse through. However, no energy is required in diffusion.

Proteins are built up from smaller subunits called amino acids. These amino acids are made up from an amine group, a carboxylic group and a side chain, which differs from amino acid to amino acid. This side chain is known as the R-group, it is what makes amino acids different from one another. Depending upon what is within the R-group of the side chain of an amino acid, the amino acid can have one of four properties: acidic, basic, hydrophilic or hydrophobic.

Acidic R-groups donate H+ ions, whereas basic R-groups will receive H+ ions. Hydrophilic R-groups are soluble within water and are so water 'loving', whereas hydrophobic R-groups are not soluble in water and are water 'hating'. The properties of the R-groups on amino acids within a protein are very important as they affect the characteristics and functions of the protein.

A protein can be described in four parts; the primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure and quaternary structure.

The primary structure relates to the sequence and number of amino acids that make up the polypeptide chain within the protein. If just one amino acid were different within the chain, then the protein itself would be very different.

The secondary structure relates to whether the polypeptide chain is mainly alpha helical, or beta pleated. A polypeptide chain that is mainly alpha helical will mean that more of its structure is wound into a coil, whereas a polypeptide that is mainly beta pleated will have more of its structure folded back onto itself (like a concertina). Hydrogen bonding between the oxygen of the carboxyl groups and the hydrogen of the amine groups occurs to hold the alpha helixes or the beta pleated sheets in place, to give it a more rigid structure.

However, these hydrogen bonds are not very strong. They are not actually bonds, but in fact strong attractions.

The tertiary structure of a protein refers to the specific 3D shape that the polypeptide chain folds into. Here the R-groups of the amino acids within the polypeptide chain are very important as they are effectively what determine the shape of the protein. Generally hydrophobic regions of the polypeptide chain will be in the centre of the molecule and hydrophilic regions will tend to be on the outside due to their nature. Hydrogen bonds, disulphide bridges, ionic bonds and hydrophobic interactions occur between the R-groups of the amino acids. Together these strongly hold onto the shape of the protein.

The quaternary structure merely describes whether a protein is made up of more than one polypeptide chain.

Temperature affects the proteins within the membrane as when there is enough heat, the molecules within the proteins gain kinetic energy. This causes them to vibrate, with more heat, comes more kinetic energy, so more vibration. Eventually the vibrations of the molecules within the protein will cause the bonds and attractions within the protein to be broken, so altering the shape of the precise 3D shape of the protein. First the weak hydrogen bonds are broken, and then the disulphide bridges (covalent bonds), then the ionic bonds and finally the hydrophobic interactions are broken due to the disturbance caused by the vibrations of the molecules.

Once a protein has changed in shape, it is said to have been denatured. This can be either temporary of permanent. The denaturisation of the protein means that it is no longer specific and so will allow almost any molecule or ion to pass through the membrane. This is as the inside of a transport protein, where the molecules or ions pass through, is lined with a type of R-group. These particular R-groups will only allow certain molecules or ions to pass through, depending upon which R-groups line the inside of the protein. So, once a protein becomes denatured, some of these R-groups may move away from the lining and different R-groups may take their place. This would mean that molecules and ions that were able to pass through before, can now longer do so, or that molecules and ions that were not able to pass through before, can now.

The pH of the surroundings of a cell can also denature a protein. If the surroundings are too acidic or alkaline, this alters the amount of either basic or acidic R-groups within the protein

and so alters the ability of the protein to be specific as the R-groups that line the inside of transport proteins are what make transport proteins specific.

The fluidity of the phospholipids bilayer can be affected by the fatty acid tails that make up part of the phospholipids. These fatty acid tails are made from carbon and hydrogen atoms. Carbon is able to have four single bonds at most and hydrogen can only have one single bond. When a carbon has all four single bonds, it is said to be saturated as it has the maximum number of single bonds that it can make. This allows the phospholipids and other components of the bilayer to fit together as closely as possible (without being too rigid) and so the bilayer is not very fluid.

Fig. 2 Saturated fatty acid

However, the carbon atoms within the phospholipids can also make carbon double bonds (C=C), where two carbons bond with each other twice. The fatty acid is said to be unsaturated, as the maximum number of single bonds for each carbon atom have not been fulfilled. The double carbon bond causes a 'kink' to occur in the fatty acid, which means that the next phospholipids cannot fit as closely to it as it would have been able to if the fatty acid was saturated. This makes the cell membrane more fluid as there are gaps within the bilayer; this also makes it more permeable. Some fish adjust the proportion of the two fatty acids within their phospholipids bilayers according to the temperature of the waters that they are migrating through. Therefore, we know that temperature also affects cell membranes.

Fig. 3 Unsaturated fatty acid

Beetroot contains a pigment/s; I will be recording the amount of pigment that leaks out of the beetroot samples within different temperatures. We assume that the pigment that is in beetroot is anthocyanin.

Anthocyanins are representatives of a large group of flavorous plant pigments responsible for most of the red, blue, and intermediate colours of flowers and fruits attracting insects or higher animals for the purpose of pollination or seed distribution. They are water soluble glycosides with some or all of their sugar groups removed. The colour results from the positive charge distributed over the chemical ring, the colours are dependant upon the pH of the medium that the pigment is in.

However, the pigments that are actually found within beetroot are betalain pigments; betalain is never found in plants containing anthocyanin, the two are structurally unrelated. The nitrogen containing betalains can be divided into two groups.

DOPA-dioxygenase is the key enzyme involved in betalain biosynthesis. It converts 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine to betalamic acid. There are two things that can then happen to the betalamic acid; it can condense with amino acids/amines to form betaxanthin, or condence with clyco-COPA derivatives to form betacyanin. They are synthesized in the cytoplasm, then filtered out and stocked in vacuoles. The synthesis of these two pigments is a highly regulated function of the plants. Betacyanins usually appear to be red to red-violet in colour, whereas betaxanthins generally are yellow in colour. Betacyanins absorb in the 535-550nm range and betaxanthins absorb in the 475-480nm range.
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Beetroot contains 2 Betacyanins Betanin and a derivative.

Fig. 4 Diagram of a Betanin molecule that can be found in betacyanin

Betalain replaces anthocyanins in Caryophyllales order of plants (cacti, beets etc and some fungi), their functions are unknown, although it is thought that when present in flowers, it attracts pollinating insects and when present in seeds, it attracts birds, which disperse their seeds. Betalains differ from anthocyanins in that they do not change colour when the pH changes, i.e. they are not pH indicators.

The properties of the tonoplast and cell membrane mean ...

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*** This is a lengthy report that contains very thorough consideration of the sources of experimental error. There is a good deal of background information included but this needs to be more selective and focus directly on the aspects relevant to the question being investigated. The key elements of an experimental report are included, (ie. there is an introduction, a procedure, data, a conclusion and an evaluation) but the positioning of these elements within the report is not helpful e.g the consideration of variables comes after the method. Research and rationale The background material for the investigation was extensive and the rationale for the investigation was clearly justified. It would help to list the references used within the text at the appropriate point. Planning This is a fairly well known investigation but there was sufficient thought and consideration given to the control of the key variables and the apparatus/method was modified to suit the project using the results of a trial run. A testable hypothesis was formulated and biological knowledge used to explain the prediction. The risk assessment was minimal and needs to be improved. The organization and order of each section needs more careful planning. Observing and recording The apparatus appeared to have been used competently with he results recorded in suitable tables. The headings of some columns could have been more informative. Interpreting and evaluating Summary tables were presented and calculation of statistical data was presented clearly. The graph was not included. The trends and patterns in the data were clearly recognized and commented on and the anomalies were discussed. The candidate is aware the results may not be entirely reliable and explored the possible sources of error. Suggestions for extensions of the investigation were very limited and this section could have been improved by proposing suitable extensions to the investigation. Communication The layout of the report could be improved and would benefit from the addition of subheadings. Appropriate technical terms were used throughout and spelling, punctuation and grammar were acceptable. More annotated images to illustrate key points would have made the report easier to read.