Beetroot Experiment. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the effect of temperature on the permeability of cell membranes

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2.1 Effect of Temperature on Membrane Permeability


The purpose of this experiment is to determine the effect of temperature on the permeability of cell membranes. As beetroot cell contain a coloured pigment within the cell vacuole called betalain. The leakage of the coloured pigment betalain out of the cell will act as a maker to determine how permeable the cell membrane is at a particular time. To determine the permeability of the membrane uncooked beetroot cylinders will be bathed in water and exposed to different temperatures. The water in which the beetroot has been bathed in will then be measured for is absorbency. Here I demonstrate that there is a positive correlation between temperature and membrane permeability.  


Membranes consist of a phospholipid bilayer; this is two layers of phospholipids facing in opposite directions to each other. A phospholipid molecule is made up of a phosphate head connected to a lipid tail3. The phospholipid head orientates itself so that faces the external environment or inwards into the cytoplasm. The non-polar tails are hydrophobic and as a result face inwards to the centre of the plasma membrane4.

Figure 1 shows the phospholipid bilayer arranged so that the hydrophobic (water hating) tails are orientated in the middle and the hydrophilic (water loving) heads are facing outwards from the cell1

The Plasma membrane is not rigid and in fact the phospholipid molecules are fluid in that they can move laterally and diffuse, the addition of cholesterol to the cell membrane improves the fluidity if the membrane.

In addition to the phospholipids found in the membrane there is a large amount of protein present6. There are two major groups of proteins found associated with the plasma membrane. There are the proteins which are adjacent to the membrane known as peripheral proteins. The second group is the integral proteins which are embedded into the membrane7.

Figure 2 shows the complex structure that is the plasma membrane. The image shows the arrangement of membrane proteins present within the phospholipid bilayer2

The plasma membrane is a complex and important structure whose major function is to determine which substances enter and leave the cell. Each protein channel will only let a specific molecule through, this is essential for controlling what goes in and out of the cell.


How would temperature affect the membrane?

The purpose of the cell plasma membrane is to selectively control the movement of substances in and out of the cell. As the temperature increases both the lipids and the proteins are affected differently. The fatty acid tails of the phospholipid molecules begin to melt as the temperature increases3. This means the phospholipid molecules become more fluid as there is more freedom to move. As the fluidity increases the selective permeability of the membrane is reduced, allowing molecules in and out of the cell that would have otherwise been prevented from doing so4. Both the peripheral and transmembrane proteins can become denatured as the temperature changes. At about 20°C proteins start to become denatured loosing their 3-dimensional shape. As the temperature increases above this membrane channel proteins begin to loose shape, preventing the normal movement of substances in and out of the cell. Above 60°C proteins become totally denatured. Cholesterol also plays a major role in controlling the fluidity of the membrane and its overall stability5. At these temperatures cholesterol melts leading to reduced stability of the membrane.

The colour of Beetroot

The red/purple colour of a beetroot cell is a result of a pigment held in the vacuole. If cell surface membrane ruptures or there is damage to the cell, the pigment escapes from the cells like a dye. The integrity of the plasma membrane of beetroot cells can be measured by manipulating this process. The red/purple pigments are called betalain pigments, named after the red beetroot (beta vulgaris), and they replace anthocyanin in plants.  


I predict that there will be a positive correlation between temperature and the permeability of the plasma membrane. At temperatures below 20°C I predict that there will be little movement of the betalain pigment across the plasma membrane as its movement will be selectively controlled by transport proteins. As the temperature rises to 20°C, membrane proteins will begin to denature, slightly increasing the fluidity of the plasma membrane and allowing more of the betalain pigment to cross the membrane. At 40°C there will be greater breakdown of the proteins, this will lead to more gaps between the proteins and the lipids allowing for more molecules to transverse the membrane. At 60°C the huge amounts of the proteins in the membrane will have denatured leading to a greater fluidity in the membrane lipids. In this situation betalain will easily be able to leave the cell in greater quantities. At 80°C the phospholipid tails and the cholesterol molecules will start to melt. As the phospholipids and cholesterol maintain the structural integrity and fluidity of the membrane it will begin to fall apart. There will be no inhibition of what can cross the membrane and therefore anything will be able to leave and enter the cell. Betalain will be diffuse freely from the cell. At 100°C the membrane would have completely fallen apart and the Betalain will diffuse into the water down a concentration gradient.

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The aim of this study is to determine the effect that temperature has on the structural integrity of the plasma membrane. By observing the amount of the betalain pigment released from beetroot cells as temperature increases.


From the information that I have gathered from the literature I believe that the following will occur:

As the temperature increases there will be greater permeability of the plasma membrane and more movement of Betalain out of the cell. Leading to a higher reading on the colorimeter.

Null Hypothesis

The null hypothesis is therefore:

That as the temperature increases there will be ...

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**** This is a good account of the investigation. The discussion and evaluation are of a high standard with good use of A level terminology. In other places, however, there could be more attention to detail and more detailed explanations. The author does not seem to be sure how to identify independent and dependent variables.