Crop and Animal Biotechnology - Ethics and Morality.

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Crop and Animal Biotechnology – Ethics and Morality Genetic engineering is the artificial alteration of the genetic code. Genes are sections of the DNA, which control the traits of an individual, such as eye colour, and are different for every person. With natural breeding, genes are passed down generations, but with new technology scientists are able to identify an individual gene, and insert it into another organism, which will then carry the trait of that gene. This organism is transgenic, meaning its DNA has been altered.
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                        There are numerous useful functions of genetic engineering. Use of biotechnology means that smaller quantities of crops would be lost, as plants could be altered to be pest and disease resistant. It can make crops more nutritional, and it can also make the crops last longer. An advantage of cloning is that it will be possible to clone organs for transplants, meaning people will not have to wait for donors.                 Genetic engineering seems like progression, nevertheless, there are various disadvantages. One concern is the ethics of genetic engineering. People may disagree with it because it is unnatural. It seems, to ...

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