Industrial Enzymes

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Industrial Enzymes Industrial uses of enzymes Many of the reactions catalysed by enzymes have commercial uses. Previously, these reactions were made to happen without enzymes by using heat and/or strong acids but enzymes offer the following advantages: They are specific in their action and are therefore less likely to produce unwanted by-products.They are biodegradable
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and so cause less environmental pollution.They work in mild conditions i.e. low temperatures, neutral pH and normal atmospheric pressure, and are therefore energy saving.However, the last advantage can also be seen as a disadvantage as their conditions must be stringently controlled or the enzyme may become denatured.To be effective in a production process the enzyme molecule must be brought into maximum contact with the substrate molecules. The solutions can be mixed in suitable concentrations or immobilisation of the enzyme may be used. This involves attaching the enzyme to an inert surface such as plastic beads and then bringing the surface ...

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