Investigate the effect different concentrations of glucose in a yeast & Glucose solution has on the rate of respiration in Yeast.

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GCSE Biology Coursework –

Yeast Respiration


To investigate the effect different concentrations of glucose in a yeast & Glucose solution has on the rate of respiration in Yeast.


Respiration is the process of converting glucose to energy, which goes on in every cell.  The chemical formula is:

Glucose + Oxygen - Energy + Water + Carbon Dioxide

C6H12O +      6O2     Energy  +  6H2O   +       6CO2

Glucose  Energy + Alcohol + Carbon Dioxide

To measure the rate of respiration I will measure the rate of CO2 produced (a product of respiration) by measuring the volume produced in a certain time.


This is an investigation into how the different concentrations of glucose have on respiration in yeast.  In this investigation there will be many different factors that could affect the outcome of the experiment.  The main one being yeast concentration, this will effect the experiment in the way that the more concentrated the yeast is, the quicker it will react with glucose.  Another factor that plays a big part in the outcome of the experiment is the temperature.  The temperature has to be right because if it is to high then the enzymes will start to denature.  If the temperature is right though (40°c) then the reaction will go quicker, this is because of the collision theory.  Collision theory states that as particles are heated they will gain more energy, thus making them collide quicker.  If the glucose diffuses into the yeast faster, and then collides with the enzymes in the yeast cells more often.

There are also many other factors that will affect this experiment these are things like:

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  • Glucose concentration
  • Time
  • pH
  • Heavy metals such as Zinc
  • Stirring
  • Volume of yeast + Concentration
  • Volume of glucose

Some of these factors will be controlled while others will be changed, or measured.  Underneath you will see a table of what will be done.

How will each affect the experiment? In the next few lines I will explain each.

pH – The pH will have to stay close to neutral (7) to help this the glassware will be clean to stop any strong alkali’s or acid’s from affecting the experiment ...

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