Investigating the effect of different concentrations of salt solutions on osmosis in potatoes

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Investigating the effect of different concentrations of salt solutions on osmosis in potatoes

I am investigating the effect of varying concentrations of salt solutions on the amount of osmotic activity between the solution and a small amount of potato of a given size.

Osmosis is defined as the net movement of water from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration, through a semi-permeable membrane. For this investigation I think that the lower the concentration of the salt solution in the beaker the larger the mass of the potato will be. This is because I think the water molecules will pass from a high concentration to a low concentration. Therefore, the water will move into the potato, increasing its mass.

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The apparatus used in this experiment were:

  • 4 beakers
  • 4 test tubes
  • 4 pipettes
  • 4 pieces of potato without skin (all the same size)
  • 20ml of distilled water
  • 20ml high concentration salt solution
  • 20ml medium concentration salt solution
  • 20ml low concentration salt solution
  • Scales
  • Knife
  • Cork borer

Firstly I collected and set up all the equipment I needed, I then added 20ml of high concentration salt solution to a clean and dry beaker; this was repeated with the medium concentration salt solution, low concentration salt solution and distilled water, and these are the independent variables. I used ...

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