Investigating the relationship between the image distance and the object distance for a convex lens

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AS Physics Experiment                

Investigating the relationship between the image distance and the object distance for a convex lens

Fair testing 

In this experiment I will be changing two factors which will be the object distance and the image distance.

The following factors that are going to be kept constant are:-

  1. The positioning of the image and light source – if this is changed; it could affect the results and may give anomoulous results. The light source must also point at the image and directly at the convex lens.
  2. The convex lens – if the size of this convex lens is change; it could again affect the results and may give anomoulous results.
  3. The light source – The intensity of the light source needs to be kept the same to prevent any anomoulous results.
  4. The bulb watt – this would have to be kept constant, i.e. if I use double the watt of the bulb than my overall outcome of results is will doubled.
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Apparatus List

To perform this experiment I will need some apparatus. This will consist of:-

  • 30cm ruler
  • 1m ruler
  • A Pencil
  • Blank A4 piece of paper
  • Connecting wires x2
  • Convex Lens
  • Light bulb
  • Power meter

Below is a labelled diagram of how the experiment is going to be set-up:-


This is the procedure that I will use to do the experiment:-

  1. Set up apparatus as in shown in the diagram.
  2. Turn on the power.
  3. Measure the object distance
  4. Measure the ...

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