List areas of science that have raised ethical or moral issues

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Created by KWAME                                                   Created on 24/05/2009 17:30:00

List areas of science that have raised ethical or moral issues (P5.3a)

        How it works and why it works

Gene therapy

When genes are changed, proteins are unable to carry out normal function, this results into genetic disorders.  This technique (gene therapy) is for correction defective gene responsible for genetic disorders. Researchers use several of ways to correct defective genes:

  •  Normal genes is interested into non specific location within the genome to correct defective genes
  • Though homologous recombination normal genes could be swapped with defective genes
  • Defective genes could be repaired through reverse mutation to normality
  • Regulation of a specific gene( lac operon) could be altered to return to normality

        GM organisms/foods

Gm is a set of techniques used to modify the genetic makeup of organisms such as animals and plants. It is mostly used to modify crops to yield more harvest and plants are altered to grow on fields were there is water shortage, hence, little water needed to grow plant. Most Gm products are medicines, vaccines, food/ingredients, Feed and fibers.

        What is used for? /benefits

        In plant/crops

  • Used to help enhance taste and quality
  • Help to reduce time of ripeness
  • Used to help increase yield, nutrients and stress tolerance
  • Used to improve resistance to disease and pests


  • Increased resistance to productivity, hardness and feed efficiency
  • Better yields of meat, milk and eggs
  • Improved animal health and diagnostic methods



The technique of cloning has brought many controversies though the media of the possibility of human cloning. This was aroused during the creation of Dolly the sheep in 1997 which caused world interest and the scientific and ethical implications. The most known cloning technique is the reproductive cloning; however, there are three types of cloning techniques cloning technique. These tree types of cloning are DNA cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning.

        DNA cloning

Molecular cloning refers to the transfer of DNA fragment from one organism to a self- replication genetic element like a bacterial plasmid.  Plasmids are self- replicating extra-chromosomal circular DNA molecules. Plasmids are used by human genome project researcher to copy genes and other pieces of chromosomes to generate enough material copy for more research.

        Reproductive cloning

This cloning technique is used to generate an animal that has the same DNA as a dead or existing animal. An example of this process is the dolly the sheep; Dolly was created using somatic nuclear cell transfer. Scientific researchers transferred the genetic material from the nucleus of a donor adult to an egg with no nucleus (genetic material removed).

The egg cell with donor adult nucleus is treated with chemicals or electric current to stimulate cell division. When the embryos are at an appropriate stage, it is transferred to a uterus and continuous to develop until female sheep gives birth. Later after birth Dolly suffered from lung cancer and severe arthritis. Some scientist believe that errors and incompleteness in gene make up could have caused the death and disabilities observed for the cloned sheep (Dolly)

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Therapeutic cloning

Therapeutic cloning is known and embryo cloning. This technique of reproducing human embryos for human research, the main aim of this technique is to harvest stem cell that can be used to treat disease and study of human development. Stem cell research are vital to biomedical researchers because that can be used generate any type of human specialized cell. Stem cells are extracted from egg cell after it has divided after 5 days. The egg at this stage is destroyed during the process which raised various moral and ethical issues. Most ...

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