Rates of respiration in crest plants, which are grown in different soils with a different pH

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        Caroline van Bommel


Group 4: Chemistry Lab

Title: Rates of respiration in crest plants, which are grown in different soils with a different pH

Aim: To measure the rate of respiration in Crest seeds which were embedded in different soils.

Hypothesis:  I think that the seeds, which are embedded in the soil sample with the most neutral pH, will show to have the highest rate of respiration.    

Variables: Control- amount of water added, the amount of soil, the amount of Crest seeds, the temperature of the soil and the duration of the experiment

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Independent- the area where the soil sample is from.

Dependant- the amount of O2 consumption.

Materials:  For part 1 of the experiment

        Glass filter

        100 mL Erlenmeyer flask

For part 2 of the experiment

        Erlenmeyer flask 250 mL

        100 mL beaker

        10g of soil (either forest, moss, or potting soil)

        10 ml KOH 1.0 mol

        3 Cotton balls

        3 x 100 Crest seeds

        3 x 8 mL of distilled water

        3 Wooden corks

        Wool string

        Pipette 18 mL



Part 1

1) I did this by first ...

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