The Effect of Enzyme Concentration On Enzyme Activity

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AIM:  To investigate the effect of a reduction in enzyme concentration on the rate of reaction, in this case the breakdown of protein by protease enzyme.  The protein substrate in this reaction will be trypsin milkprotein (casein).

PREDICTION:  I believe thath a higher enzyme concentration results in protein trypsin to be broken down faster/ a faster rate of reaction.  The protein solution would turn clear quicker when enzymes are more concentrated.

The site of the reaction occurs in an area on the surface of the protein (protease) called the active site.  At low enzyme concentration there is great competition for the active sites and the rate of reaction is low.  As the enzyme concentration increases, there are more active sites and the reaction can proceed at a faster rate.

Therefore i believe as the protease concentration is reduced, the rate of reaction, as well as the trypsin mlk protein, is also reduced.


Temperature - enzmes work best at an optimum temperature.

Below this, an increase in temperature provides more kinetic energy to the molecules involved.  The numbers of collisions between enzyme and substrate will increase so the rate will too.

Above the optimum temperature, the enzymes are denatured.  Bonds holding the structure together will be broken and the active site loses its shape and will no longer work.

pH - as with temperature, enzymes have an optimum pH.  If the pH changes much from the optimum, the chemical nature of the amino acids can change.

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This may result in a change in the bonds and so the tertiary structure may break down.  The active site will be disrupted and the enzyme will be denatured.

Enzyme Concentration - at low enzyme  concentration there is great competition for the active sites and the rate of reaction is low.  As the enzyme concentration increases, there are more active sites and the reaction can proceed at a faster rate.

Eventually, increasing the enzyme concentration beyond a certain point has no effect because the substrate concentration becomes the limiting factor.

Substrate Concentration - at a low substrate concentration there are ...

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This is a well written and structured report. 1. The report needs to have an introduction section that covers relevant background information 2. The report does not include the data that has been collected 3. The conclusion needs to attempt to explain the patterns that have been found 4. The evaluation needs to suggest further research opportunities ****