To investigate the effect of concentration of sucrose solution on osmosis in potato tissue.

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To investigate the effect of concentration of sucrose solution on osmosis in potato tissue


The prediction for this experiment: when the potato tissue is put in concentrated sucrose solution, the vacuole and the cytoplasm of potato cell will shrink and become flaccid .A potato cell is said to be flaccid when the potato cell losses it’s firmness and begin to be wilt. This is because the concentration of the sucrose solution is more than the concentration of the cytoplasm.


Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecule of water through a partially permeable cell membrane from a high concentration of water to a low concentration of water until the concentration is equal.

Osmosis occurs in all plant and animals ell. It is useful in many ways. For example, our body absorbs water from fluid by osmosis. The kidney retiree water and blood, this is the process of osmosis. The plant roots absorbs water form the soil by osmosis.

When a potato chip is put diluted water, it takes in water by osmosis through the partially permeable cell membrane; after some time the potato cell will swell and become heavier and bigger in size.  The potato cell will not burst because the cell membrane is surround by a cell wall. This cell will become turgid. However, when a potato cell is put in a concentrated sucrose solution, the cell will shrink. In addition, the cell will become flaccid this means that the cell has lost the firmness and begin to wilt. This is because the concentration of sucrose solution is more than the concentration of the cytoplasm

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When potato tissue is put in diluted concentrated sucrose solution for exeample.0.4M of concentrated sucrose solution (8cm3 of sucrose solution and 12cm3 diluted water). The water will move through both direction of the potato’s membrane, but will move in one direction than the other direction. When the concentration of the sucrose is the same on both side of the membrane .At this point the net movement of water is zero, and zero is the equilibrium of ...

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