To investigate the factors of the enzyme hydrogen peroxidase (catalase)

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To investigate the factors of the enzyme hydrogen peroxidase (catalase)


Scientific Knowledge

A catalase is 'an enzyme found in the blood and in most living cells that catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen (Student Reference Library 1992)

The Oxford Interactive Encyclopedia, 1997, describes hydrogen peroxide as 'a colourless liquid which is miscible with water... It decomposes on heating, or in the presence of a catalyst, giving water and oxygen.'

Enzymes are 'a type of protein found in all living cells.' They 'act as biological catalysts, allowing all the chemical reactions of metabolism to take place, regulating the speed at which they progress, and providing a means of controlling individual biochemical pathways. Enzymes owe their activity to the precise three-dimensional shape of their molecules. According to the 'lock-and-key' hypothesis, the substances upon which an enzyme acts (which are known as substrates) fit into a special slot (space) in the enzyme molecule: the active site':

A chemical reaction takes place at this site and the products are released, leaving the enzyme unchanged and ready for re-use. This cycle can be repeated as often as 100,000 times per second. Enzymes are very specific in relation to the substrates with which they work, and are normally only effective for one reaction or a group of closely related reactions. They function best in particular conditions of temperature and acidity (pH), and their action can be slowed or stopped by inhibitors. Many enzymes need a coenzyme in order to function. The human body contains at least 1,000 different enzymes.'

Proteins are 'molecules composed of long chains of amino acids which are linked by peptide bonds... The 'primary' structure of a protein is the order, or sequence, of amino acids in it; different proteins have different primary structures. The amino acid sequence determines the final three-dimensional shape of the protein molecule. The 'secondary' structure of a protein is the regular three-dimensional folding of the polypeptide chain, formed, for example, by hydrogen-bonding between regions of the chain. The commonest secondary structure is a right-handed spiral shape, called an a-helix'

Microsoft Encarta, 1997, describes proteins as 'any of a large number of organic compounds that make up living organisms and are essential to their functioning... Whether found in humans or in single celled bacteria, proteins are composed of units of about 20 different amino acids, which, in turn are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur. In a protein molecule these acids form peptide bonds - bonds between amino and carboxyl (COOH) groups - in long strands (polypeptide chains). The almost numberless combinations in which the acids line up, and the helical and globular shapes into which the strands coil, help to explain the great diversity of tasks tat proteins perform in living matter.'

The amino acids are an 'important class of organic compounds that contain both the amino (-NH ) and carboxyl ( COOH) groups. Of these acids, 20 serve as the building blocks of proteins. Known s the standard, or alpha, amino acids, they comprise alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, theronine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and valine. All 20 are constructed according to a general formula:

As the formula shows, the amino and carboxyl groups are both attached to a single carbon atom, which is called the alpha carbon atom. Attached to the carbon atom is a variable group (R); it is in their R groups that the molecules of the 20 standard amino acids differ from one another. In the simplest of the acids, glycine, the R consists of a single hydrogen atom. Other amino acids have more complex R groups that contain carbon as well as hydrogen and may include oxygen, nitrogen, or sulphur as well.

When a living cell makes protein, the carboxyl group of one amino acid is linked to the amino group of another to form a peptide bond':

'The carboxyl group of the second amino acid is linked to the amino group of a third, and so on, until a long chain is produced. This chainlike molecule, which may contain from 50 to several hundred amino acid subunits, is called a polypeptide. A protein may be formed of a single polypeptide chain, or it may consist of several such chains held together by weak molecular bonds. Each protein is formed according to a precise set of instructions contained within the nucleic acid, which is the genetic material of the cell. These instructions determine which of the 20 standard amino acids are to be incorporated into the protein, and in what sequence. The R groups of the amino acid subunits determine the final shape of the protein and its chemical properties; an extraordinary variety of proteins can be produced from the same 20 subunits.'
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To test the factors that affect the catalase I have to identify them, these can be found in the collision theory. Basically, collision theory says that two reactants require collisions between particles for a reaction to take place. The rate of the reaction then depends on how often and how hard the reacting particles collide with each other. More collisions increase the rate of reaction. Below are four methods of increasing the rate of reaction, each are explained.

. Temperature

When the temperature is increased so is the amount of kinetic energy within the particles. This ...

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