Examine the ways in which factors in pupils home background may affect their educational attainment.

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Examine the ways in which factors in pupils home background may affect their educational attainment.

Factors in the home background that may affect pupils educational attainment may possibly be; speech, materialistic poscessions, parental support and ethnicity. The main factor that all four of these come under is Class.

Sociological research shows that the higher social class somebody belongs to, the higher the levels of educational achievement.

A comprehensive study by Halsey, Heath and Ridges shows, the sons of professional fathers were ten times more likely to attend university than the working class son.

Functionalists believe that meritocracy exists and is reflected in a pupils natural ability and genetic inheritance (which also accounts for their parents class position). However, Bowles and Gintis feel class rather then IQ is the most important factor in determining how successful a student will be. The concept of IQ testing, is in itself a social construction; it has an inbuilt bias against those who have a different cultural background from those who constructed it.
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Bourdieu feels middle and upper class students have a distict advantage which is known as cultural capital. Their lack of knowledge of the dominant culture disadvantages them imediately and continues to act a barrier to learning, which means they are more likely to fail exams.

Bernsteins analysis of speech patterns suggests that:

There are two froms of speech patterns: ELABORATED CODE and RESTRICTED CODE.

Working class children are limited to restricted code.

Bernstein argues that middle class students have a distinct advantage over working class students because school is conducted through an elaborated code ...

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