Indo-Canadians Dominate with One of the Lowest Divorce Rates Worldwide

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Indo-Canadians Dominate with One of the Lowest Divorce Rates Worldwide

One in every two Canadian marriage ends in divorce.  However, only one in every one hundred Indo-Canadian marriages ends in divorce.  Canadian divorce laws came into effect in 1968, and the ten years following that date divorce rates increased seven-fold.

Its become apart of everyday society to simply accept the inevitable; society is changing, divorces are becoming more common, and Canadians are as accepting of this fact as they are that the earth is round.  However, Indo-Canadian divorces only account for 7% percent of all divorces within Canada.

The Indian culture has always dominated the world as a country with one of the fewest failed marriage rates. This trend has continued to stand strong, as decades have passed and the Indo-Canadian divorce rate has yet to experience any drastic increase.  To many however, this seems quite strange.  Indian marriages remain as stable as ever despite the migration of Indian people to Western cultures, and the evolution of marriage within Indian culture itself. While Indian culture has changed, the core values of family and respect have kept arranged marriage in tact in Indian culture.  This has in turn resulted in the Indo-Canadian community holding one of the lowest divorce rates.

        Many outsiders cringe at the idea of an arranged marriage, viewing it as a forced union between two people.  For decades, arranged marriages have held precedence within the Indian community.  The lack of divorces within the Indo-Canadian culture was often equated with the idea of arranged marriages.  Many outsiders find it hard to believe that a couple can be happy when their marriage is forced.  Within the Indian community, the couple used to be given little choice as to whom they were going to marry. This stems back to the idea of the importance of family and respect

        Respect for the elderly was, and for the most part continues to be apart of everyday life for many Indians.  First came marriage, and then came love.  At least that was the perception 50 years ago.  However, nowadays love comes first, followed by marriage.  Although there have been changes in the way marriages are forming (transitioning from arranged marriage twenty years ago, to love marriages now), Indo-Canadian divorce rates remain low.  This is because the basic foundation of what keeps many Indo-Canadian marriages together, remains intact.  This basic foundation revolves around having respect for family, and for understanding that family is an important part life.

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According to Sonia Syan, family plays a major role in keeping her from considering getting a divorce.

“My marriage has gone through rough times,” admits Sonia.  “But I would never think about getting a divorce.  That would kill my parents.  I couldn’t do that to them, and I couldn’t do that to myself.  I think that is why divorce rates are so low among Indians.  We don’t want to shame our parents, or be looked down upon by people in our social circle.”

Dr. Sareena Malhotra has been living in Canada for over 3 decades now.  She was born ...

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