The recent rise in support for religious sects comes mainly from an increased desire to reject mainstream values. Evaluate this claim.

The recent rise in support for religious sects comes mainly from an increased desire to reject mainstream values. Evaluate this claim.
Some sociologists such as Stephen Moore believe that a sect is a type of religious organization which involves the idea that a sect is usually fairly small in membership and very exclusive in their acceptance of members. They place great stress on obedience and strict conformity to the rules of the sect. They believe that only they know the correct way to Heaven.
Many religious sects believe that we are living in a corrupt world with corrupt morals and values. They are generally more critical of the rest of society and expect members to stand apart from it. Contact with non members is generally discouraged except in an attempt to convert them. They are also very critical of mainstream religious bodies who they regard as too worldly. They make an effort to distance themselves from them. Most sects move to the outskirts of society where they can create their own communities. This gives them the fear factor where outsiders become fearful of their ways. Sects usually aim to change the morals and values of society through any means possible. For example the Westboro Baptist Church which is a family called the Phelps who demonstrates and protests at the funerals of US soldiers who died in Iraq. They shout offensive slogans at their family and colleagues and not surprisingly have gotten the reputation of the most hated family in America.