International Accounting Standard.

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Professional Skills - Topic 4

International Accounting Standard IAS 16

Explain The Nature and Purpose of this Document and Provide A Critical Evaluation

The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) was founded in 1973 and comprises of 34 International Accounting Standards. IAS 16 deals with property plant and equipment, examples of other IAS’ are 1, which provides the framework for the Preparation of Financial Statements, and 2, which describes how to deal with Inventories. Much revision of these accounting standards has taken place, in December 1993 IAS 16 was revised as part of a project on ‘Comparability and Improvements of Financial Statements.’ More recently revisions have occurred to ensure consistency with other standards and to keep it up to date with amendments, for example in July 1997 when IAS 1 was approved, one of the paragraphs in IAS 16 was changed. These standards are a guideline to ensure consistency amongst numerous nations. It is also important that financial reporting (the product of financial accounting) is accessible to all users of the information for example, managers, investors, employees, suppliers, the government and the public. Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, recording and communicating economic transactions. Measurement is normally made in monetary terms, and the accountant will prepare records in the form of financial statements such as a profit and loss account and a balance sheet. It is therefore necessary that items are placed correctly so as to make the financial information understandable; IAS 16 illustrates how to deal with items of property, plant and equipment.

The main principles within this accounting standard is the timing of recognition of the assets, the determination of their carrying amounts and the depreciation charges to be recognised in relation to them. It is necessary to establish however what exactly property, plant and equipment are. They are tangible assets that are held by an enterprise for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others

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or for administrative purposes. They are also expected to be used during more than just one accounting period. In order to describe the nature and purpose of the document containing IAS 16 it is necessary to summarize its contents. The document implies that property, plant and equipment (PPE), should be recognised when (a) it is probable that future benefits will flow from it, and (b) its cost can be measured reliably. It also says that initial measurement should be at cost and subsequently, the benchmark treatment is to use depreciated cost but the allowed alternative is to use an ...

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