Introduction To Business Activity

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Ranvir Shoker        06/02/2008        Unit 1

Business activities are all the different types of products and the services that the retailer provides. Businesses may come under the following industrial sectors: -

  • Primary is where raw materials are extracted.
  • Secondary is where the raw materials are converted into products.
  • Tertiary is where the goods are sold and a place that provides services to the public.

Businesses may also have the following ownerships: -

  • Private is any business company that keeps their profit to themselves and where the government is not the shareholder. Examples of companies like this are ASDA, Sainsbury’s, and Tesco etc.
  • Public is businesses owned by the government like colleges, hospitals and Police stations.
  • Voluntary are any businesses that are not owned by the government like charities e.g. Oxfam etc. They are run not for profit.

The Five different organisations covering the three sectors are: -

  • Argos – Secondary/Tertiary
  • Jaguar Factory – Secondary/Tertiary
  • Timber World – Primary/Secondary
  • JJB Sports – Secondary/Tertiary
  • Tesco – Secondary/Tertiary


Argos is in the Tertiary sector because they don’t manufacture any of the products themselves. They just buy products from suppliers and then advertise them on TV, billboards, radio, catalogue and posters. They also do refunds and exchanges and other services. Argos is a private business because it keeps its profit and the government has a say in it but don’t run it. Argos sells many products, their main categories are: -

The website that I got information from is: -  

Jaguar Factory

Jaguar is in the Secondary/Tertiary sector because they manufacture the cars and then sell them in their showrooms. Jaguar is a private business because they keep the profit to themselves and the government has no say in it at all. They sell luxury and sports type cars. They also are in the Tertiary Sector because they sell the manufactured cars in their showrooms.

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The website that I got information from is: -

Timber World

Timer World is in the Primary sector and the Secondary Sector and the Tertiary Sector because they cut down trees and turns them into useful wood such as furniture or decking or into paper. It is a private business because they keep the profit to themselves and the government has no say in it at all. They are also in the Tertiary Sector because they provide services. Their main business activity categories are: -  



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