Fred: “Let’s remember him, let’s give him a name”
Alice: “Fat Fat Palomino!”
It made me think deeper when they carried on there conversation, I think it made the audiences heart melt when they started picking out each others negatives, as it made us realise they love each other for who they are, and there comfortable with each others appearance.
Alice: “Were close in our own way”
Fred: “As Close as we can get with our fat!”
My favourite characters had to be Roy and Lesley, because there relationship was the most interesting, and as a reader I feel I could really get into it. It kept me gripped, and wanting to read on. They were definitely a rare combination, as the personalities did not match at all.
Furthermore, If I was to play a character, I would chose Roy, because although he comes across as really aggressive, I like how he is outgoing, and not afraid to speak his mind. He seems a really controlling character, but its interesting because it makes you think has he always been like that, or did something happen to him to make him so self conscious and protective.
In the contrast, I didn’t really enjoy reading into Moth & Maudie, because in my opinion they seemed too common, and in ways it made me think too much about reality, and the youth’s relationships.
The play ‘Two’ is set in a Pub owned by a husband and wife who are constantly bickering. Two is skilfully scripted; Jim Cartwright has written it in such a way that it comes across to reader’s as humourous but however it also shows the harsh reality. Originally the script was written for two actors, who would play all fourteen characters. During the course of the evening assorted customers pass through the pub, including a little boy that happened to be left behind by his father this leads to an event which triggers movement towards a tragic memory between the pub couple, and through out that, their own dark tragedy is revealed, and this happens to be the root to their arguments. With relationships it explores; Faithfulness; Domestic Violence; Old Age; and Death. The underlying message seems to be that trust is the key to all sucesful relationships. All the couples except Fred & Alice have relationship problems, causing them to argue continuously. E.g. Maud can’t keep his eyes on one woman, and Maudie is forced to put up with his selfish, greedy behaviour.