Video dating monologue

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(walks on stage and sits down).Hi, well I’m Patricia Pacific (Surgs shoulders) but everyone calls me Pat. I currently live in London.Im about (Facial expression shows im thinking) 5 ft 4 and have blue eyes,blonde hair,what am I saying (laughs) you can see all of this.Im looking for a man whos ready to commit(looks down at feet) I’ve been in a few relationships before,but you know,things happen,fights occur,then well its over.(Smiles nervously) But maybe this one will be different,finding someone that fits my personality,and maybe that person is you(Smiles in a flirty way)

Well now me,well im currently unempollyed(pace of voice gets quicker) but I am looking for a job,its not that easy though.Well theres a few reasons why no one wants me,I left school at 16 with no GCSE’s and a criminal record,back then I thought I was the coolest person in the world,(Body language looks proud)but now,well I just wish I had payed more attention(breath in to show stress).Oh and that criminal record,its nothing (Signs and dramtic pause)big,I just got into a big fight with a few of my mates,got done for abit GBH.(pace of voice increases) I didn’t mean for it to go so far,I wasn’t very social in school,abit of a loner really. (Facial expression becomes happy) Im better now(Facial expression becomes let down) but ill never truely beable to drop the past.I reget it all so much,I could have been an olymic swimmer (facial expression  and body language changes to proud) fastest in the school I was.

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Okay,next question(looks down at my prop) my hobbies and likes,well as you see I love my creature comforts,suggling up in a big warm blanket and woollies.I also like winter,I love the feel of the snow on my bear feet,makes me feel like an animal out in the wide open of the antartic.My favourite thing is fishing.I love the smell of the sea air against my face.I also love eating the fish after the trip,(Voice goes deep)oh I do love abit of place,Yum.Also I care for the environment (Nods slowly)all those poor animals losing there homes (facial expression looks sad,also wipes face).


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