“A fool sees not the same tree as the wise man sees.” - William Blake

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“A fool sees not the same tree as the wise man sees.”

William Blake

There is not one single person in this world that is exactly like another. There is always at least one characteristic which makes them differ and this is due to the following factors: different education, cultures, experiences or personal interests, etc. However, every man will perceive the world that surrounds him in a personal way because of the factors already mentioned. Because of this, people always have different ideas and views ruling their way of thinking. A wise man and a fool are examples of two extreme opposites so therefore the interpretations their brains make are influenced by different factors, making them live in different realities. As the example just mentioned, there are many other kinds of people that due to their differences interpret their worlds in their own individual way.

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An important factor that influences the way people perceive things that surround them is the knowledge they have acquired throughout their lives that controls their actions and thoughts. From birth, a person absorbs everything that surrounds them and this information is stored in the brain. The fundamental factors that influence our way of developing are the places and conditions in which we are raised in, since according to these main factors we begin to create our own rules that will control everything we do. For example, a child that was born in the countryside and has a rural life ...

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