Task 1: Feature Article Study By C.J Ellis
Obesity ranks second among preventable causes of death. Tobacco is number one. “The Big Issue” discusses the increase in overweight teenagers and the devastating consequences. The main ideas the article promotes is that obesity and weight has the potential to nullify a teenage girls self-esteem and confidence, in doing so creating heinous repercussions. The teenagers health is at risk, therefore there is an increased chance that the teenager will face medical issues short or/and long term. Everything occurs for a reason and therefore there is reasoning behind obesity and weight gain.
Every female is not born overweight and there is reasoning why the numbers of overweight teenagers are increasing. “The Big Issue” provides reasoning in a simplified layout and language hence teenage girls can relate. The article explains that teenagers are definitely eating more, as food is available most of the time. Diet is one of the main reasons behind obesity and weight gain. As quoted from “The Big Issue. “Between 1985 and 1995, children’s energy intake increased by up to 2000 KJ, which is equivalent of a really big hamburger, says Nadia.” The article explains another reason for weight gain is activity habits of teenagers. “Not only has our energy intake increased, but our activity habits has changed, says Nadia.” “The Big Issue uses Nadia as a female role model as she uses effective communication that teenage girls relate to including popular TV shows “Summer bay” and “really big greasy hamburger.” The terminology and layout of the reasoning behind obesity is remotely different to an article on the same topic in “Medicine Today” which contains a variety of statistics, graphs, tables and quotes from professors. “The Big Issue” however explains the reasoning behind weight gain simply.