By careful study of the play decide in committing Duncan's murder how far Macbeth is driven by his own ambition; how far he is dominated by his wife; and how far he is influenced the witches

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By careful study of the play decide in committing Duncan’s murder how far Macbeth is driven by his own ambition; how far he is dominated by his wife; and how far he is influenced the witches

The play “Macbeth” gives the audience plenty of opportunities to consider the reason for the main characters actions. In this essay I will consider how far Macbeth is driven by his own ambition, how far he is dominated by his wife and how far he is influenced by the witches.

The very first thing that we hear about Macbeth is that he is a brave warrior.  We hear the captain say about him “But all’s too weak, for brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name,”(1,ii,16) so before he even appears in the play we only hear positive things about him and we already have an image in our head that he is brave and loyal. We also find out that Macbeth is Duncan’s cousin “O valiant cousin,”(1,ii,24), so we also know that he is part of royalty.

When Macbeth finds out that he is Thane of Cawdor instead of being happy with this he is already thinking about becoming king. He says “Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor, the greatest is behind,” (1,iii,118)  By saying this it looks like he believes what the witches have said, as if he is assuming that he will become king and that it is “behind” him.

When Macbeth and Banquo first meet the witches, Macbeth is troubled by what the have to say. After they tell Macbeth that he will become Thane of Cawdor and king, Banquo says to him “Good sir, why do you start,” (1,iii,51) this shows that he is startled by what they have to say, this could be because he believes them.

In contrast to Macbeth, Banquo isn’t disturbed by their predictions “Things that do sound so fair,” he says to Macbeth, which shows that he doesn’t take them seriously and doesn’t believe them. Macbeth is clearly more interested in what they have to say and says to them “Stay you imperfect speakers, tell me more,”(1,iii,70) Banquo knows the witches are evil but he still chooses to believe what they are saying, Banquo warns Macbeth about the witches, and says to him “The instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray’s in deepest consequence,”(1,iii,116) By saying this shows that even after Macbeths predictions have come true he still doesn’t believe them. It also shows Banquo as clever as what he predicts is exactly what happens in the play.

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Macbeth knows that killing Duncan is an option. We see this by the way he talks and the language he uses. He talks aside a lot so that the audience can see into his inner thoughts. After finding out that he has become Thane of Cawdor he says “My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical,” (1,iii,139) here he is talking about murdering Duncan to become king. The fact that Duncan is Macbeth’s cousin makes him seem more cold blooded, that he would kill his own cousin. However, he is also confused and says “why do I yield to ...

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