Carrie's war book review

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Carrie’s war book review

Carries war is an adventure story. It is set in World War 2 “when England was at war with Germany”, and is focused on a brother and sister called Carrie and Nick coping with the tears and trauma of evacuation; therefore there is the occasional emotional part to this story.

The story is set in 1939 in a small remote town in Wales. One of the many settings in Carries war is Druids Bottom. It is a very spooky, eerie place when Carrie and Nick first encounter it, but after while it becomes like a second home to them.  The other main setting in the book is the Evan’s house. It is a very neat, orderly and pristine house where everything has its place, and things are done in a certain way. The house isn’t used to having children living in it so I think it is a bit of a shock to the system when Carrie and Nick move in.

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The atmosphere in Carrie’s war changes throughout the story. In some parts, like when Carrie and Nick have their farewell picnic with Mr Evans and Aunty Lou and when they get their going away presents, there is a happy atmosphere. It is a touching moment and the writer engages the reader by her effective descriptions and choice of words. In other parts of the story the mood changes to a sad atmosphere when Mrs Gotobed dies and when the carries sees Druids Bottom on fire. The mood changes because of the similes and the detailed description that the writer ...

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Three stars - includes the essential information about characters and setting with some analysis of the mood and plot. Would benefit from a more coherent structure and some work on expression.