Compare and contrast the treatments of dogs in To Flush, My Dog by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and RSPCA leaflet.

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Compare and contrast the treatments of dogs in “To Flush, My Dog” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and RSPCA leaflet.  

The poem “To Flush, My Dog” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the leaflet of RSPCA are two writings exploring the same theme - dog and the treatments by their owners.  Elizabeth elaborates her relationship with her dog while the RSPCA document articulates the problems facing some unfortunate dogs.  The feeling expressed and the use of language devices shares some similarities albeit one is a poem and the other comprise articles from an animal caring organization.  Similarities, differences and significance of them will be discussed in this essay.

The poem is clearly a praise of the writer’s beloved dog while the RSPCA documents aim to appeal for donation.  The poem is made of 20 stanzas of 6 lines each and strongly portraits a very dear and noble aura to share her love for the dog.   The RSPCA document adopts a candid manner in the form of writing a letter to the prospective donors supplemented by two touching stories.  The three articles contentiously try to gain sympathy from the readers.    With this underlying aim, the RSPCA inspector uses alarming hard figure (6,982 abused animals a year) to arouse readers’ attention.  He also uses repeated strong words, ‘battered, tormented and abandoned’ to give an awakening insight for his readers on the seriousness of the cruelty. The use of the rhetorical question “Will you give me the resources I need to fight this rising tide of cruelty?” is very effective.

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There is impacting contrast on the cares of dogs.   Elizabeth treats Flush nicely and gently.  As described in stanza 16, she feeds Flush sugared milk, puts pretty collar on it and pats the dog to please it.   The physical affection from the owner is abundant with proper shelter, delicious food and interaction.  On the contrary, Poppy and Trio, both rescued by RSPCA, are unfortunate.  Both dogs are very young at 4 months and one day old respectively.  After messing the room, Trio was grabbed and squeezed by its owner.   “It was thrown across the room with full ...

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